
New methods of SEO contracts to play around with

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New methods of SEO contracts to play around with

Over the years I've learned that getting clients to sign contracts and having them pay you your desired price is a tough thing to do. You're pushing out all the smaller companies who don't want to risk $X,XXX per year on SEO and Marketing, but there's still a chance to get them in as a paying customer! Recently I've been playing around with other types of contracts that lower profiting businesses are likely to agree with which will increase your sales every year.

So let's get started

Basic Contract
This contract is one that will scare away the lower profit companies because they can't usually risk putting up thousands per year in hopes that your can increase their rankings enough so that their profits are more than they're paying you. I usually pitch this kind of contract first off to see if they potential client bites, but it doesn't always work. I will ask them for $XXX per month for 12 months and sometimes they will try to haggle with me and other times they will shoot me down because the price is too much. If they're haggling, it means they're interested but they want to see what they can get the price down to. I wouldn't drop your pricing more than 25% when haggling because we all have to profit, right? New methods of SEO contracts to play around with New methods of SEO contracts to play around with If they shoot you down immediately because they can't afford it, then go with one of the other contract methods that work well.

Rankings Contract
This kind of contract is tricky because you have to set up your client on a SERP tracker like and give them access to the dashboard or set them up with a specific link to watch their rankings. When you're setting up the contract you will make it clear that they will only pay when they get ranked within the first 30 listings, or first 3 pages, and if they don't they will be sent to collections. What you'll want to do is figure out the difficulty of each keyword they're targeting and set a price for each one. The more difficult keywords will cost more for page 3, 2 and 1 rankings while the easy ones will cost less since they will get boosted quicker. Let's say you want to charge $350 per month for their main keyword to be on page 1... you will then charge $301 for page 2 and $53 for page 3. A lot of times you'll be able to get them to page 3 pretty easily so you will be making money before they do. The only downside for this type of contract is that people might not have any money in order to pay you when they do begin to see their rankings jump up to page 1, 2 and 3. They might sign up with you with the idea that nothing will happen to their rankings, but if they do hit page 1 they will be making an extra $3,000 a day which we all know doesn't happen lol. You'll need to explain to these people that they may not be making a load of cash once they are ranked, but you can still rank them for what they want.

Equity Contract
This is one of my favorite types of contracts if you can get the business to agree to it. Basically what you're doing is getting a piece of the business and sales after the contract is singed and the owner just writes you a check for the percentage agreed upon after everything is settled. There will be something in the contract saying that if you're not producing results after 12 to 18 months you will be cut out of the company, but if you're doing everything right you shouldn't have a problem pleasing everyone and staying with the company New methods of SEO contracts to play around with

Percentage Contract
This is also one of my favorites because the client doesn't have to spend any money up front but they eventually pay me much more than they would have if they just did the basic contract. What you'll do is go into a contract with a company and they won't pay anything up front but they will agree that XX% of their profits will be given to you if you can produce results. Normally this can be a good thing if the client is in an easy difficulty, medium difficulty or hard difficulty to rank niche. The only time you would want to avoid this is if the company is a competitor to something like Google, Facebook, Coca-Cola, or any other billion dollar company lol.

I recently signed one of these contracts for 10 years of work with an insurance company and I get 10% of any profits they get through their website. This company was paying me monthly but liked how I did my work and how personable I was that they wanted to make me and my team a part of their team New methods of SEO contracts to play around with I've already made 3x what I would have if they would have just kept paying me for my monthly work, but I am doing a lot more work each month to help them increase sales New methods of SEO contracts to play around with

In Conclusion:
It's up to you to determine what works best with you. You can go with the basic contract and only target the bigger fish or you can get risky and charge for each keyword that is ranked. If you're not good at SEO then getting paid for rankings won't be a great idea lol. If you can land an equity contract or a percentage contract I wouldn't look past it. 10% is usually a good starting point if they profit per sale is high, but if they're only making around $30 per sale then you'll want to bump that up to 25% or 30% to make it worth your time.

Remember to follow me New methods of SEO contracts to play around with




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I stopped looking for new clients a lot of time ago. At the moment I only have time for my own clients, I've been with some for years now and keeping them happy is my main priority.
From time to time I get a new client through a recommendation, it usually involves some special SEO work, like brand based SEO for individuals, or negative SEO work.

For example, I just got a new contract recently, it involves getting a negative article about a certain brand from page 1 of Google to page 2 or further. For this to happen I need to push that specific result off page one and get my own results on the first page.
This is a very long-term brand based project and because of how high the competition is I'm thinking it will take at least 3 months for me to be successful. I'm getting paid each month plus a nice bonus when I'll complete my goal, the sooner I'll complete it the bigger the bonus.
These type of projects are my favorite type of SEO. They aren't boring and I can fully implement techniques without asking permission for every little thing I want to change. In essence, it is similar to your Ranking SEO contract the only difference being I don't need to increase sales or organic traffic, this is just a brand image thing in the search results.

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The percentage contract is very appealing especially to those who have no budget for the SEO contractor. Isn’t it nice to have someone work on your website that you don’t have to worry about the cost? Let’s say the profits will be 50-50 for the worker and for the website owner, that is a great arrangement since the website owner doesn’t have to spend anything. When the SEO work takes effect then that’s the time the SEO worker gets to be paid depending on the percentage arrangement.

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