
Why my service / service remove again and again

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Why my service / service remove again and again

Hello everyone!
I make Soundcloud plays and Youtube views service gig 4 to 5 time but every time it suddenly remove automatically by Seocheckout team. I can't understand what is that happen and why? Kindly give me solution for make permanent service of soundcloud and youtube.




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Hi kaiser,
May be your service is getting removed due to a blacklisted word or phrase is included in your service......Anyway Facebook is one,but because you are not selling Facebook likes or comments it should be something else....You can contact the Seocheckout support team for more info.
Best wishes.

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Thanks for your response. I create soundcloud plays service so its also blacklist on seocheckout?

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may be no,i'm not better contact support.....

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the same thing happens with me, I am selling my SEO services, link building..
I don't know why they remove??

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