
Would You Use PTC Sites To Advertise

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Would You Use PTC Sites To Advertise

I know a number of people who use PTC sites as a former way to advertise , Hell even some use them to make money online I know I still use them. But do you use them to advertise and have you seen good results.

PTC sites are Paid To Click sites, meaning someone uses this services to place ads and other members get paid a little percentage to click you ad and view it for a number of given seconds. So do you use this service as a way to make money OR Advertise on.
I use for both as they do have a number of great impressions on your ads. But the only downside is many members who click your ad aint that much botherd about the ads as they click them to earn and often do not pay attention.


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I have been clicking on PTC ads for years and earning little money, but I have not try to advertise on those PTC sites before. I guess it depends what kind of business I would like to advertise. Some businesses might not catch the clickers' attention at all, then I wouldn't advertise there. Moreover, I read that Google does not really like PTC or traffic exchange sites, I am not sure how true this is, so I might just stay away from PTC sites if I want to advertise my business.

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I have but would never again. As you pay people just to view your site for just a few seconds is not quality traffic and those people would not interact on your site or really view products. Using Ptc sites can also be detected by many affiliate marketing sites and therefor you could actually start losing money when getting your traffic that way.

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I never used or use PTC sites as a former way to advertise because is too expensive and I risk on not receiving the traffic i want. I would use other kind of sites to add advertising campaigns, and example of this kind of site would be Fanslave or FanDealer. Some of my friends used Fansleave and it sure boosted the traffic on their blog.

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No For sure I would never use PTC sites to advirtise my Products or website the reason is,
most of people I mean Ninty percent of people who click on the ads from PTC sites Are not those who are interested in products but those who wants to make money from clicking they don't even care about reading or Payattention at the ad they clicked so I would not advirtise on PTC site If I want quality trafics on my Websites.

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I think will never going to try PTC site to advertise anything. I always used PPC ad networks with good targeted traffics. It always helped me to the generate right amount of money and also some regular readers for my blogs and other contents. You should try PPC ad campaigns like Adwords, Bing, and Facebook.

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I've been through PTC sites before as a clicker and honestly, I didn't pay much attention to the ads and neither can I say that the company advertising through these sties are credible. It can be good if you simply want to impress Google or other entities with your traffic but otherwise, conversion is a dream. I'd really prefer to pay for quality content on my site to drive organic traffic with higher chances for conversion.

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Ther is nothing wrong with using such sites as a means of advertising as long as the needed visits to the sites are d0ne and goods services are being purchased on the sites.

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