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If you are not regularly bumping your services, you are missing out on a big opportunity
to promote your services.
For those who are not making the most of their bumps, here are some tips on how to use
bumps to get more orders.
What are bumps?
Bumping a service elevates your service to the top of the category for that service, and
to the top of the un-featured services on the front page of seocheckout.
Your service will stay at the top until another seller bumps their service, so more
potential buyers will see your service and you will have a better chance of
getting a new order.
How do you earn free bumps?
There are two types of bumps; free bumps and paid bumps.
If your account has been email-verified, you earn one free bump for each of the
following actions:
· Logging in each day
· Completing an order on tine (max 2 bumps perday)
· Generating an affiliate sale of $10 or more (max2 bumps per day)
· Generate a service sale for $10 or more (max 2bumps per day)
· Creating a post on the FAQ (max 2 bumps per day)
You can only use 5 free bumps in any one 24 hour period
What is a paid bump?
You can also buy bumps, and paid bumps come with some additional benefits.
Paid bumps will cost you $10 for 5 bumps, $10 for 100 bumps, or $13 for 20 bumps.
In addition to pushing your service to the top of the page, a paid bump will also get your
service highlighted for 4 hours and your service will automatically get
re-bumped after 12 hours.
How do you bump a service?
To bump a service, go to the menu option: Seller / Manage / My Services, which is on the
main menu. Then you will see that [Bump] is one of the options under each of
your services. Click on that and you will then be given the option to use a
free bump on that service, use a paid bump, and it is there that you can also buy
paid bumps too.
What time of day should you bump a service?
As Seocheckout is an international site with buyers from all around the world, so you might want to think about what time most people are likely to be logged in on seocheckout.
The time when most people are awake and likely to be online is said to be 9 a.m. Eastern
Standard Time.
Personally, I have found that simply randomly varying the time that you bump services seems
to work the best. I have also found that it is better to spread your bumps out
during the course of the day, so that you always have at least one service near
to the top of your category.
I would also suggest that you check what services are at the top of the category before you
bump because, if you are new to Seocheckout and you don’t have many
positive ratings yet, you might not want your services appearing right next to
a service that does already have hundreds of positive ratings.
Do paid bumps work better than free bumps?
In my experience, yes, the paid bumps do work better than the free ones. For a start,
paid bumps are atomically re-bumped after 12 hours, so you get double the
exposure in a 24 hour period. Secondly, you get 4 hours of highlighting, which
makes your services stand out from the rest.
Does bumping a service get you more orders?
Absolutely! If you don’t bump your services, you are relying on people finding you through
searches. My guess is that Seocheckout is no different from a Google search
results page, in that many people only ever look at the first few things that
are listed.
What to do if bumping services doesn’t seemto work straight away
Keep on bumping! Unless you have a totally unique service, it is unlikely that one bump
is going to make you an overnight millionaire. Don’t give up, though, keep on
bumping, because, just like any form of advertising, the more times a buyer
sees your name, the more likely they are to get curious about you and click on one
of your services.
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I also don't bump all of my services together. I usually bump one once in while, tried both versions and this way I usually get more orders. I don't agree to bump your services at a certain time just because more people are online at that specific time. That also means more buyers are bumping the services at the same time, meaning I will quickly go off the first page and there is very limited time for potential buyers to notice my services. I also don't bump all of my services together. I usually bump one once in while, tried both versions and this way I usually get more orders.
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