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How New Sellers Can Get Started on Seocheckout and Ways to Increase Sales and Success
Every now and then on the Community FAQ we get a post by someone asking for help as a new seller. Asking for tips and ways they can increase sales of their services and see more success. And every time we just about tell them the same thing, we give them the same tips and advice we give to everyone that asks. And there's been so many helpful things posted here to the Community FAQ just for that purpose! Useful posts to read and know that can help YOU as a seller to become more successful on the seocheckout Marketplace!
So it would be nice if there was like one main post we could link people to that contained useful links to other helpful posts and was just a helpful post to new users of the site. Both for buyers and sellers but mainly for sellers as those are the ones that ask for help the most since they want to know how they can get more sales and make more money and see more success on here.
And I think you know where I'm going with this and what this is going to turn into. Yep, an allinone Seocheckout sellers guide to help you improve your seller profile, trust and respect and increase the sales you get of your services. Now I've done something similar in the past before with my post How To Become a Successful Power Seller on seocheckout. that post has some great info in it if you just want to sit down, grab a coffee and read it, you will learn something about becoming a power seller!
And if you want to learn how to improve your sales and success then don't just skim this. Actually read each sentence for sentence, word for word. Then read it again! Take the time to do that and you WILL learn something from all of this! 
Okay, so how can new sellers get started selling on seocheckout?
And what are some ways to increase sales and see success?
There are many successful sellers on here, one only has to look at some of the most popular SEO services on the homepage and other categories to see that some sellers are selling a lot and making a lot of money from it. Some sell more than others, some only sell some and some less still. But these top sellers can be looked at and you can learn a lot from what they are doing and how they are doing it.
But before you can do that, you'll need to jump through some hoops first. You'll need to meet some minimum requirements before you can get there.
As you may know, Seocheckout is a user driven site, where you have Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5 and Level X users. Level x users could be Level X3 or Level X4 or even Level X5 users. And those users are the biggest and best most elite users of all the groups. Level X+ users are hand picked and have more benefits than lower level users. But since you are probably a Level 1 user right now we'll talk about that, about levelling up, about response times and about some of the benefits of each and what you need to level up!
User Levels Explained and the Benefits of Each
Level 1 Users
Everyone starts out as a Level 1 user. This is the base level and requires no effort.
Limitations of Level 1 Users
- You can't create services for less than $15.
- You can't create services for more than $225.
- You can't create Coupons that lower a service price more than $15.
- You can't create instant downloads.
- You can't create subscription services.
- A longer clearance period for funds.
- Withdrawals may go under review, resulting in longer waiting.
- Withdrawals have a minimum of $25.
Level 2 Users
Level 2 users are getting serious and earning serious money. To obtain a level two status:
Requirements Level 2 Users
- You will need to have completed at least 10 orders as a buyer/seller and affiliate.
- You must not have any active infractions.
- Your email address must be validated.
- You have to register your mobile number with the site.
- You must login at least once every 14 days.
- Your account must be at least 7 days old.
- Your first completed sale/purchase or affiliate sale must be 30 days old.
- You must have a 90% rating or higher.
- You must have completed at least one payment withdraw longer than 20 days.
- You must have a response time that is 72 hours or less.
Benefits of Level 2 Users
- You can create/sell services at any price.
- You get paid 4 days after it's completed.
- You can create and sell instant downloads (ebooks etc).
- You can create and sell subscription services.
- You have a larger withdraw amount.
- You can withdraw 20 times every 31 days.
- You can withdraw as little as $15.
- You can delete comments on your services.
- You can customize your public profile.
Level 3 Users
Level 3 users are amazing users that command respect!
Requirements of Level 3 Users
- You must have completed at least 25 orders/purchases and affiliate sales.
- You must have no active infractions.
- You must login at least once every 7 days.
- Your first completed sale must be at least 60 days ago.
- You must verify your physical address.
- You must have a 90%+ rating.
- You must have a response time of 72 hours or less.
Benefits of Level 3 Users
- You can get your money just 1 day after the order being completed.
- You can sell instant download services, eBooks etc.
- You can create and sell subscription based services.
- You can withdraw up to 30 times in 31 days.
- You can withdraw as little as $15.
Level 4 Users
Level 4 users are above average and are examples of great users!
Requirements of Level 4 Users
- You must be an affiliate.
- You must have completed 100 orders/purchases.
- You must have at least 50 affiliate sales.
- You must have no active infractions.
- You must login at least once every 7 days.
- You must have a 95% rating or higher.
- You must have a response time of 58 hours or less.
Benefits of Level 4 Users
- You can earn 1% extra on all sales.
- You can earn an extra 1% on affiliate sales.
- You can create a status update w/ email every 3 days.
- You can withdraw funds up to 60 times every 31 days.
Level 5 Users
Level 5 users are exceptional users and are inspiring!
Requirements of Level 5 Users.
- You must be an affiliate
- You must have completed 250 Orders/Purchases.
- You must have 100 unique affiliate sales.
- You must have no active Infractions.
- You must login once every 7 days.
- You must have a 97% rating or higher.
- You must have 24 Hour or less response time.
Benefits of Level 5 Users
- You can earn 2% extra on all sales.
- You can earn 2% extra on all affiliate sales.
- You can san send a status update with email every 2 days.
- You get a free highlight feature upon request.
- You can withdraw 100 times per 31 days.
Level X Users
X level users are the elite. This group of users is manually selected by the staff of seocheckout.
Requirements of Level X Users
- You must be a Level 3 or greater user.
- You should be an affiliate.
- You should have social pages representing you here.
- Must get noticed by Staff.
Benefits of Level X Users
- You get all the benefits of level 1-3 users.
- You cannot be demoted automatically.
- Highest priority tickets and staff guidelines/restrictions that prevent your account from being restricted in any way.
- You can withdraw 999 times per 31 days
- You have the ability to obtain X4 and X5 (Level 4 and 5 benefits).
Okay so that's the user levels system explained and what you'll need to reach each user level. Fortunately, if you do well, it's not that hard to reach
Level 3+. If you follow all the tips and tricks in this sellers guide post, you'll be able to level up in virtually no time and you'll be making more sales and making more money for which, you can thank for me later!
Creating Your First Service
Now the trick to attracting attention to buyers for your services is to have a lot of personality and a little attitude and tons of uniqueness! You need to look the part both from your profile and your services. Your service is likely the first thing people will see before they check out your profile. And your service(s) are where you will mostly be able to sell yourself. Because that is what you need to do in your services descriptions! They need to be high quality descriptions. They need to be well worded. I'm not talking about just having good spelling and grammar but really offer something of value and presented in a very good way.
Don't just create a simple service description that only says what it is and what they get at a bare minimum! Although it's good to be simple since people are simple, it should have a description that looks good and is informative to read. For instance it should present a problem and then the solution. It should say what it is you're selling exactly. It should say how you'll do it maybe. It should say what they'll get and it should say what the benefits of it are etc for buyers. If possible, it should contain a diagram or something that people can relate to. It should be clear, concise and be visually pleasing!
Tip! The best thing to do to create the
perfect service description, since this is basically your sales page and something of a science and an art to get right on here, is to check out other similar services and see what they are saying in theirs. This can give you a lot of ideas for what's working for them which you can then apply yourself in your own service descriptions.
NEVER copy and paste someone else's service description ever! Not even one line of it! Always create your own unique layout of words and images. Remember - be unique or go home!
So that's just an overview of the things to know about when creating your services. A general rule of thumb to follow and stick to if you want the best chance of getting sales! Although just a basic overview, knowing this and applying it will really help!
Here's some FAQ posts for further reading on creating the perfect service description:
Improving Your Profile and Trust Value
Now there are certain things you can do on Seocheckout to increase your chances of getting sales. Next to creating a killer service description! Some of these things are easy to do and have their own benefits to doing them so are well worth doing! And here we'll talk about what those things are and how to do them and why you should do them too.
Improve Your Trust Factor by Verifying Your Phone Number and Physical Address.

You want people to trust you right? Well there's some things you can do to help with that. The most obvious of these is to verify your phone number and your physical address. This can be done quite easily. The number verification can be done in a couple of minutes. But the address verification might take a bit longer since you'll have to wait for the card to come through in your mail with a code on it you have to enter. But when it does, and you do that, you'll then be address verified. And doing both of these things shows on your profile if you have done them. And a lot of buyers look to see if a seller has done this yet before deciding on whether to buy that service from them or not. Especially when it's for a fairly expensive service of $150 and above. Buyers want to know that sellers have done this so they can have some extra peace of mind when buying that service from them. This shows on your public profile in the sidebar on the right.
Now we've already created posts in the past that explain how to do both of these methods so I'll link you to them here rather than explaining how to do each again (although they're both very simple to do). Check these out and then go through the steps that show how to do them. By doing so and completing them you'll not only be improving the trust factor in your account but you'll also be improving the strength of the security your account will have as well (double whammy benefit).
Other ways to improve your trust factor and chances of gaining a sale.
Posting Discussions and Response to the Community FAQ.
You may have noticed from the User Details image above which is from my own profile, is that it shows how many
Discussions and Responses I have on the FAQ here. Well these show literally how active you are on the FAQ. And people (buyers) look at this to see how active you are. To see if you're someone that how sociable you. Well the more of them you have (discussions & responses), the more people will trust you. This is just one of the main reasons why you should be more active on the FAQ!
What is more, by being active on the FAQ, you are not only increasing your discussion and responses count which has its own benefits, but since you're posting to it, a link back to your profile shows in all your discussions and responses too. Now I have gained lots of sales by just posting to the FAQ. I not only get the chance to establish myself as an expert in my niche (social media marketing) by posting articles and questions and answering other peoples on those things but this has helped me to gain some sales as well from those people that read my discussions and responses you see?
Okay, I think I've covered and just about touched on most of the most important things to do to get started on Seocheckout as a seller, how to improve your trust factor and the things you can do to go about that and get more sales and find more success on here as a freelance seller. And so, I'll leave you with this for now. However, I may add more to this later on too. And also, if you have anything to add to this do mention it below and I'll add it in or people can read them from your responses to it.
Thanks for reading and kudos to you if you go follow these guides and go through the steps above.
That puts you one step ahead of the rest that haven't!
Thanks and to your success!
I have completed 10 sales and all other requirements are completed.... how can I level up??? is it happening automatically??
**two orders have not been cleared yet Nicely explained mike, I have completed 10 sales and all other requirements are completed.... how can I level up??? is it happening automatically?? **two orders have not been cleared yet
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