
Do you allow guest blog posting?

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Do you allow guest blog posting?

I enjoy posting on blogs and I have in the past come across a lot of blogs that have allowed guest blog posting which is sometimes more convenient than registering to a lot of blogs. The only downfall to guest blog posting is that it can pave the way for people to come in and create spam comments on blog posts which case cause a problem for the user of the blog, I believe this is why so many blog owners choose not to allow guest blog posting.

Are you someone who allows guest blog posting or would you rather turn it off and make everyone go through registration and activation before allowing them to post?


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I accept guest post especially on app promotion @

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Personally, I'm not a fan of guest blog posting. From creating threads to commenting on ones already made. I've always preferred having registered users creating and commenting on blog posts. After all, if you're interested in making a post, why not register to continue posting in future times?

I know I cut out a percentage of visitors on my website providing responses and feedback. But to me, it's worth it for avoiding the spam alone.

For the record, any guest posts on the websites I managed are sent to moderation approval. Posts that registered users make are automatically added by default.

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I don't. I have bad experience with guest posting. Some spammers kept on putting links and other ads on the comment section and it's annoying specially if you are not able to check your blog or email for a couple of days.

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I was just thinking about trying this, but i have heard the same thing from many others that you are saying here. I don't want people expecting one thing from my blogs and then showing up and seeing a mess of spam or incongruous content. I am with you on this.

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Thanks JM. That is one of the things that visitors hate when they visit a blog or a site. Also, try to avoid having lots of ads because those will turn off potential visitors as well.

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This i a conundrum for me as well--I have a content blog with a very set sort of theme and visitation, and I think that too many ads would turn off my readers; however, without the ad presence, I can't generate revenue, so it becomes a bit hard to figure this out because I do not want to lose readers--on the contrary, I want to gain them while making some money.

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How many traffic are we talking about here? It seems that you have a good running blog or what. And speaking of revenue, how much was the highest? My blog has a total of 500 or so views and I don't get anything ever since. Hahaha. I mean I think I had .43$ on my AdSense and that's about it. Do you allow guest blog posting?

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Well, the answer is no.. Guests sometimes spam the Blogs with some irrelevant posts / comments, But not all of them are that bad. So if the person who want to post / comment is not a spammer he can just Sign up.

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I do allow it. In my opinion, guest posts is a good way to provide interaction. As for spams, I think I could manually delete them instead. I guess there's no helping it unless you code your own website (In which I do but I still don't know how to prevent spam comments lol). There's simply no blog I've ever created that didn't allow guest/anonymous posting.

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I don't have guest publishing option on my blogs. However, I am thinking to invite guest bloggers on my blogs. having guest bloggers serve two purposes, you get fresh contents, you get new readers.
Guest posting can be done in various ways. One way is to ask for articles and publish manually. Second is allowing to create account on your site for guest blogger and letting them publish on their own.

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I have no blog right now but I had the experience of being a co-blogger before. And when I would have my own blog, of course, I would allow guest blogging. It has a double advantage because that guest blogger would bring in his own network of people to read his articles on my blog. And maybe there will be more comments on the existing blogs. And even if the guest blogger is paid, I guess it is still beneficial to me considering the new readers that would be coming in.

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