
Writing your titles tags with tags won't affect your rankings!

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Writing your titles tags with tags won't affect your rankings!

Writing your titles tags with tags won
For a long time, there was a misconception inside the SEO community that title tags written in caps can affect you SEO and Google may rank you differently.

Apparently, this isn't the case. Google said so and here is the confirmation:
Writing your titles tags with tags won
Although there are examples of websites ranking well with all caps titles tag, I personally don't find them aesthetically pleasing enough to use them. I feel that someone is yelling me the title and no matter the subject I don't want something to be yelled at me.
Overall I think using caps in your titles it is similar to click bait titles. Might work fine for some niches and some websites, but overall, they aren't doing anyone any good.

What do you think? Do you use caps in your title tags? Do you think it affects your SEO in a good or bad way?


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I am somewhat of a perfectionist when it comes to titles and I never like to see any kind of title in all capitals as I just don't think it looks too preofessional. Having the first letter of the first word in capitals I feel is more than enough and maybe on odd occasion every first letter of each new word but not every letter. Do I believe it affects SEO? No, I don't however I don't think it looks too professional as I said and that could be a turn off for people. Some people associate caps with shouting in most cases.

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I agree withShortie861, all caps titles look unprofessional.

I’ve also seen people put keywords in bold in content. Does anyone know if that actually makes
any SEO difference?

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From what I know in the internet, it is rude to use all caps when writing words because it is like screaming. That applies to all words that include your website address. That’s why sometimes I wonder why I come across a website address in all caps. Anyway,with the tags, I don’t see any difference at all if you want to use all caps in your tagging because I think the search engine will just be checking on the word itself and will not mind the font or the caps or no caps.

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