
10 Personality Traits of a Bad, Disengaged Employee / Freelancer Tutorial

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10 Personality Traits of a Bad, Disengaged Employee / Freelancer

10 Personality Traits of a Bad, Disengaged Employee / Freelancer
Okay so I just done a post on 10 Great Attributes of The Perfect Employee. And that's helpful to know as an employer if you want to identify those attributes in employers that can help your business run and tick over smoothly. But not every employee has all those great attributes. In fact, some have quite the opposite. Some employees are disgruntled employees and they have this knock on affect on other employees around them. So to help you identify and root out those employees, here's 10+ signs of a disengaged and and disgruntled employee!

1: They are Complainers
A bad employee is forever complaining about something! They can't see the good in their job (that they even have a job) and nothing is ever good enough for them to be happy and satisfied with. These types of employees often moan and grumble about working hours, pay rates, or just about anything else they can pick at!

2: They Make Excuses
A bad employee will never stand up and take responsibility for their own actions and they always seem to find some excuse to excuse themself for it. They don't want to have the finger of blame pointed at them even though they were the main culprits. These types of employees are a drag and and an annoyance to work with.

3: They Lack Enthusiasm
A bad employee is one that is always last to pick a new task or project to work on when it comes up. They are the ones that are the least excited about doing it and would rather do what they have been doing than take up some new job, task or project. These types of employees are not very helpful for your business.

4: They Don't Help Others
An employee that doesn't help other people when they feel like it's not their job to do so or because it goes above and beyond their call of duty is an employee that doesn't help your business to run smoothly. Since all employees should be "one for all and all for one". And all help each other out. Those that don't are those that don't help your business.

5: They Constantly Gossip
Gossip is good, if it's kept within a magazine! But gossip in the workplace can have a damaging affect on team morale and upsets the working dynamics of such too. Creating gossip within the workforce creates a clique that just alienates people and upsets them as well for that matter which has a negative affect all round.

6: They are Liars
A bad employee is one that doesn't own up to something honestly and truthfully. They can't man up and say yeah, that was me, I'm sorry, it wont happen again. Instead they lie about it to try and worm their way out of being blamed for something. Also any employee that actually makes up lies about other employees is like a bad tooth and needs pulling fast!

7: They are Know it Alls
Nobody likes a know it all, I stopped being a know it all when I started losing friends because of it. But those employees that think they know it all and act like they know everything and are too good and too knowledgeable to listen to anything good you have to say to them. These types of employees aren't worth the energy you need to tell them that actually, they don't!

8: The Aren't Independent
A bad employee can only work on his/her own self. But a company thrives on good collaboration as a team. So an employee that only likes to work on his/her own self and not within or as part of a team is not really a productive employee let alone a "team player".

9: They are Irresponsible
A bad employee often missed deadlines and are usually forever late for work and turning up on time. They usually take longer than 1 hour lunch breaks and are even late back from their afternoon tea breaks! They forever break their promises and quite honestly, they just let you down because they don't care enough to care about their own job.

10: They have no Initiative
A bad employee will just stand around doing nothing and wait until they are picked for something and told to do something. Where as good employees take the initiative to get things done with a hands on approach. A bad employee doesn't simply because they have no initiative. Honestly, you may as well employ a zombie!


Knowing these attributes of a bad employee can help you to identify those of who in your company are. And it's not just employees this can be applied to but to freelancers as well! Because these are bad attributes that a freelancer can have. Where as a bad freelancer would always complain, always make excuses, lack enthusiasm, aren't very helpful, always gossip and lie, think they know it all and aren't that independent and are irresponsible and have no initiative. A great freelancer is the opposite!


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Yes I agree mike about the complainers as well. Sometimes you try your best well actually do your best and at times others think it is not good enough specially when you put blood and swet into it. And the liars , the best bit is to be open and honest with your self and to the buyer or seller.

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I once had a subordinate who never tires of complaining. Whatevet happens in the office, she had a negative comment. At first, I thought that she was just too concerned with our team but eventually I realized that she was trying to project a perfect image at the expense of her complaints against her peers. That was a neat lesson to me that when I hear someone complaining, I would be reminded of that employee.

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Seriously, those are really the traits of bad subordinates, all they are after is just their pay.They're not teachable and even you try to teach them, they will feel too big and they're terrible liars.They don't add to the growth of the business and you wonder why they are employees because the work they are supposed to do is left undone.No discipline and no respect from quite applying having some unscrupulous elements as employees.

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