
Gaming Niche - Is it possible to have a unique item to sell

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Gaming Niche - Is it possible to have a unique item to sell

Is the gaming niche really that difficult to crack into and make a good amount of sales? Well, I guess that really depends on what you plan on selling, doesn't it? You can go around selling video games that you bought for a few dollars and make a small profit if you can find the right buyers. Or you can go out and innovate something that is already in the gaming world to make it better or your own. A lot of pop-up businesses that start making an item for themselves will usually start selling it online if it's easy enough to produce. Small start-ups usually start with smaller items and not an entire gaming system. Selling smaller items will increase your revenue and reduce your risk since more people can purchase them and if you do get a fraudulent purchase you won't have a lot of money tied up when the bank is dealing with the payments.

Innovate something that fits in
When you're thinking about cracking into the gaming niche with your own product you'll need to be unique and at the same time offer value to the gamers, and time spent playing their game. If you are just making stickers to go on a controller or a gaming system, you might not have the best results since no one really wants to hold a sticker while playing or slap it on their system.

A good example of a great innovation is this small company that wanted to make joystick extensions for PS3, PS4, Xbox, and Xbox 1 controllers so that people could have better control when playing certain games, mainly fps games. This company is called Kontrol Freek and they are now a massive company that sponsors professional players to use their products when playing the video games of their choice. I actually own a few pairs of these Kontrol Freek joystick extenders and I absolutely love them. They give me more grip on the joystick so I'm not slipping off the controller when moving around a lot, which is great for fps games. Kontrol Freek made a product for people that were needed it, and people didn't even know they needed it until they tried it out for the first time!

If you can't innovate, outmatch
If you don't have a unique idea to make an item then what you'll need to do is partner up with a company that does and then you need to outmatch your competition. To partner up for something like this you'll usually need a good amount of business capital in order to get the attention of the company that is selling its own product. This way you can buy into the company and become a board member in order to make decisions to push the company in the direction of your choosing or even develop your own ideas later on.

This is a much more expensive way to do things, but since you don't have a unique idea it's the only way to sell a physical product that is your own, besides rebranding which I'll go over next.

Rebranding an item you find for resale
When you rebrand an item you're basically purchasing an item that is already made but you're putting your own logos and tags on it. You're making it your own when you do this and you can build your brand around this. There are plenty of online marketers that go this route because they don't have to focus on the production of the items and they can just focus on getting people to their pages to make a sale.

Rebranding is a great way to get your own items out there if you can afford it. This method is cheaper than partnering with an already established company but more expensive than producing your own products (usually). It's the middle-priced method because you will usually have to buy in bulk in order for the manufacturer to put your own logos on the items. Buying in bulk within the gaming niche could me $3,000's of an upfront investment, and that's on the low end.

In conclusion, starting up the production of your own item can actually be cheaper in the beginning if you start small, but it could be a lot more work. You can partner up with an already successful company, but it's difficult to find one that is letting in investors/board members. And you can also go the route of rebranding an item to make it your own, but you'll need to purchase in bulk to get a deal with the manufacturer.


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Creating an unique product in the gaming niche is complicated business. Sure, you can get lucky and incredible creative be inventing something cheap that solves an important problem, but overall if you want to develop something more than a simple Android game, you need huge budgets for development and for marketing.

A good alternative should be gaming related content. You can always write about anything game related, or make videos for that matter, if your content is good enough and you promote it the right away, you can have success without having a real product.

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Most of games like minecraft have selling community. Minecraft seems to have lot of niche options. You can learn to make mods. And those can be packaged and sold. Also for most of the programmers there are some patches and world building which may help. I think a lot of what can be sold starts from demand. Find out what people need and build that. And then selling becomes easy part. That's what I have noticed on minecraft community.

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Gaming is a good niche to sell in, most dedicated and professional gamers as well as enthusiasts have decent money to spend on anything related to their games. This is where merchandising comes to play. Some of the products that can be promoted in both online and offline gaming sites and establishments include t-shirts, jackets, caps, action figures and many other products.

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Gaming Niches are not that hard to crack. You can start by selling unique gaming inspired shirts like what is being done in Anime niches. Also toys, action figures, collectibles can be sold in gaming niches.

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I am surprised to learn that gaming is such a big industry that 10% of the younger generations are into serious gaming. My nephew said that you are left behind if you don’t play computer games because that is the “in” thing today. For the gamers here who have the intention to earn from the current trend can probably learn a trick or 2 in this discussion although I think that innovation is not that easy.

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As a main fan of video games, I want to tell you about the site with the help of which my game accounts are at the highest level.

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Cool insight man, thanks!!! This information was very useful for me!

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Hey Tommy, thank you so much for this incredible insight! Playing video games has always been my favorite hobby, so I sometimes wonder whether it's possible to gain some financial profit out of it. Moreover, I also tend to stay home more nowadays because of the covid pandemic, so it's as relevant as ever! Minecraft is by far my favorite game, and I have a huge variety of unique items. I've only been playing on servers included in Minecraft's best servers list, so these items are definitely valuable. Thanks for the recommendation! Cheers.

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For a long time I chose an occupation for my free time, so as not to waste it. Now I decided to try myself in an online casino, and it seems to me that this is really great leisure option. If you are also looking for a casino, then I recommend checking this ocean online casino nj. I think this is a great online casino despite the lack of a mobile app.

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I agree that games is a great niche if you're willing to start making money, and there are many ways to profit from it.

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The gaming industry is highly competitive, and breaking into the market and generating sales can be challenging. However, as you mentioned, it really depends on what you plan on selling.

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