
Great Online Translation Alternative, Especially Combined With Google Translate!

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Great Online Translation Alternative, Especially Combined With Google Translate!

Do you want to post your ads, articles, comments, etc. and you struggle with the other language, or at least need some help and you need an online translator?
Are you tired of google translate only? Well, me too!
There is an alternative and maybe you guessed right, but few people talk about... And it is the bing translator!

I have personally used it and it helped me a lot with new ads, old ads, some online freelancing work, or even for leisure, etc.
When one fails, several times the other produces a better translation. Other times you will simply prefer the translation of one over another and even other times, neither one of them would produce acceptable results...
But you know what? 2 are clearly better than one on this case and probably often, it works well.

Is it 3 or more better? Yes sure, but the amount of work can become overwhelming at the same time!
Going that way, maybe you will go towards excessive perfectionism and take longer to take action Great Online Translation Alternative, Especially Combined With Google Translate!

I hope you guys enjoyed this small translation tip ;)


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I definitely agree with you. If one is totally foreign to another language with no knowledge whatsoever, it is imperative to use two translators especially if you are doing professional work as you do not want to commit any offensive mistakes. Of course three is better and the more the merrier but, like you said, it will take too much time and you may not be able to meet your deadline.

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I guess it will all depend on what language you're trying to translate. Google is a hit or miss proposition and it's quite understandable as languages have idioms and distinctive sentence structures. When translating Spanish, for example, I would prefer to use the SpanishDict translator because it provides three translations for the same text. Likewise, it includes a word-by-word translation. For French, I usually access Lexilogos which offers six translators including Google and Bing.

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This reminds me of our travel to Beijing, China 2 years ago. We were dependent on Google Translate for the communication needs. Unfortunately, we didn’t know that Google was banned in China so we were left helpless. But if only there was Bing Translator then maybe we could have used that for our benefit. That incident had taught us a lesson not to rely on the internet for the need of information. Make a list on paper because that is the best.

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Thanks for this information! I just needed to translate some documents to Chinese, so I was looking for a good service

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Online machine translators can be good enough for some simple translations, when you just need to catch the point of the text. But when you need to translate some documents, it is better to apply to professionals. Recently I needed to make translation of documents for honeymoon travelling, and I found this company they did a good job, and I`m satisfied with the quality and their service.

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