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So am in the middle of adding a forum onto my social exchange site . Social exchange is on my main domain but am add to my cpanel directory /forum I will be using Mybb I will sort out theme designs later on.
The main thing I am trying to think of is forum title and also forums on the page like topics. I am normally very good at this as created few forums in the past I just come to a blank. It feels like for example have you ever just been thinking great ideas and then 5 minutes later your thinking " ermm what am I doing " or cant remember what you just thought of lol. Or it maybe just me , So I want the forum mainly to be about social media tips and tricks and maybe have a few advertising and promoting categories in there as well . I just can't seem to think of a great catchy title .
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Thinking of a catchy title is always difficult, it is either taken or it's one that may be difficult to remember. I usually take the idea of what I want my forum to be and then look at what my forum will offer and think of words that will work together to describe the site. With you, it's social media tips and tricks, maybe something like Social Hub or even Social FAQ could work? Just throwing idea's out there, sometimes hearing other ideas sparks an idea in your own head.
I hope those help! I have had that problem on so many occasions moneybags, it is so frustrating . I used to be like you, used to be able to have ideas running through my head left right and centre and I would put them into place and be really happy with how my forums turned out but just recently I have come to a blank and I hate when that happens because whilst ideas are not flowing nothing new is coming onto the forum and people don't want to see that. Thinking of a catchy title is always difficult, it is either taken or it's one that may be difficult to remember. I usually take the idea of what I want my forum to be and then look at what my forum will offer and think of words that will work together to describe the site. With you, it's social media tips and tricks, maybe something like Social Hub or even Social FAQ could work? Just throwing idea's out there, sometimes hearing other ideas sparks an idea in your own head. I hope those help!
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