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Do you hire moderator ?

If you are running a community forum then you will need some moderator to moderate topics/replies and help users when they will need. For me I didn't hire any moderator. I have choose moderator from my forum members and providing them some extra features. But I am not paying them and they also don't want to get paid for this. However, I believe that many forum admin hire people for moderating their community forum. I will like to if you guys are paying to your moderator. If you are paying then let us know how much and how they work...I hope you guys will share your experience of paid moderators.... Do you hire moderator ?


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With the kind of forum that I run right now which is a forum just for fun I do have moderators however they are people I have chosen whom I know are passionate about the forum and enjoy being on the forum and interacting with the members. I always feel that any moderator or staff member should be active, should love their job and should enjoy the forum which is why I wait to pick my moderators and will announce that we need moderators so that they can come forward and say they are interested and we can pick who we feel will suit the position well.

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No my forum is a small forum with about 2,500 posts and if I had any staff members it could kill off the forum. Because the old saying is true too many chiefs and not enough indians. If you have too many staff members and more staff member posts then regular posters then people are going to think the forum is abandon.

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