
What do you think about artificial intelligence and today's search engines?

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What do you think about artificial intelligence and today's search engines?

What do you think about the influence artificial intelligence (AI) is having on today's search engines?
AI is clearly changing everything about search engines, especially the results. Seriously it has gotten ridiculously hard to figure out what a certain search query gives me certain results, it's isn't just about the ranking algorithm anymore, the AI learns by itself, it adapts to trends most importantly: it doesn't need additional algorithm update to change things drastically.

So what do you think about all of these? Are SEOs and other search marketers gonna still have a job 5 years from now? What about 10 years in the future? How much do you think AI will evolve in search engines?
Personally, I think we just witness the tip of the iceberg.


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Things are definitely changing fast in the SEO field. It seems that search engines, particularly Google, are always enhancing their search methods and I believe that it has no fixed pattern anymore. Where last week your site was number 1 in the search list, itmay be on page 10 today due to the ever changing search factors.

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I think things are taking a better shape now with Google search engine doing more than just searching now

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