
How do you deal with pointless posters?

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How do you deal with pointless posters?

As a current forum owner there are a lot of things that get my back up when it comes to members posting around the forum. I like them to feel like they belong and I don't mind them posting new posts of just a few words if that is how they want to express their opinion, I prefer that than them not being active at all however, one thing that does get my back up is pointless posters. What do I mean by pointless posters? Member's who do not take time to read the topic at hand and will just come in and post anything just to gain a post count whether it be related to the topic at hand or not, it doesn't look good and can often kill a thread by having someone post like that.

Dealing with pointless posters can be difficult. I tend to start out by giving warnings and then suspensions and eventually if they still fail to follow rules they are issued with a permanent ban.

What are your thoughst on pointless posters and how do you deal with pointless posters?


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You are not the only one. It's is one of my biggest pet peeve's and the reason I can't spend too much time on any forum. Just can't take it.

If it was me they would get one warning and they are done. Why waste time with warnings/suspensions, ect. Those kind of people are ONLY posting for one reason, their own personal gain, almost always to get their signature viewed. And so many people are still under the disillusion that forum signatures and profiles are good backlinks.

Course just my opinion. that and I have little patience for those kinds of posters. And there are SO many of them these days How do you deal with pointless posters?

My other big thing is posters who only repeat what's already been said. Threads full of people saying the same exact thing over and over and over and over and over. ARGH. So rude if you ask me. If you are going to repeat something at least acknowledge the person who already said it and add to it.

Sadly I have yet to see a good clean forum (IM), just to many, as you said, pointless posters and people who are NOT there to be a part of the community.

That or I am just a jerk How do you deal with pointless posters?

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They must be really annoying, but still they may be active users than others who post useful stuff.... lol
If you can make a topic relevent to what they post, then you and him/her will be happy at the end......
wish you luck.

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I agree with this method.

It's hard enough to get people to register so to run off potential members instead of trying to play to their potential strengths is a bad idea. I mean, create an off-topic subforum for them and let them keep the board looking like it is active.

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Seems people are not getting the "point" how can they be useful if that make pointless posts? They can't and they won't be. Sadly, many people ONLY post to promote, or to boost their post count until they can get their signature to promote. Or those who still think forum signatures are good backlinks. ALOT of them.

They do not make the forum look active if their posts are junk, whether it's in a sub forum or not. They just make the forum look low quality. I've stopped posting on forums because there was too much junk. Letting your forum get polluted with junk keeps good posters away. And your foumr never has a chance of growing in the right direction.

They are only there to take and not give. Sad but true.

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A friend who is admin of the website of one organization in the local movie industry here deals with pointless posters in a nice way. The mods have instructions to lend a hand which means they should reply to the post of the said poster for an elaboration. On the part of the admin, he would message the poster to express his appreciation for the post but it would be better if the post will be improved. In other words, their policy towards wayward posters is to be amicable all the time. Given a choice between a spammer and a pointless poster, it is obvious who you will choose. A poster is an asset as long as he is not spamming or flaming.

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Sometimes when I read some posts on some forums I can see people commenting about stuffs not related to the discussion topic. This can be very annoying at times. There are also cases where people don't really know about the subject and they just post something just to get some points. I appreciate the way that you are actually dealing with those pointless posters. I think everyone must be given a chance but if they don't change after that then you definitely have to ban them.

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I don't think it's worth the time to police a forum - unless the offender is an obvious troll or spammer. However, the definition of troll or spammer is often sort of subjective. I mean, if an admin allows advertising in signatures, then isn't it obvious people are going to want to post a lot for exposure? So the question becomes, "At what point is this certain type of posting annoying?".

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