
What's an easy way to find the right seller?

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What's an easy way to find the right seller?

Since Seocheckout dont have adult category its really hard to find some service who accept adult / gambling and some seller provide info in description (accept or not) but not all. And the others problem is its hard to remember which seller doesn't accept adult site. Any advice?


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Depend what kind of service you looking for!

.You have to understand that sellers mostly have to obey third party terms of services when it's about promoting or publishing adult contents...
Yes, service like PBN, press release or rank solution (secret service) may dont accept adult.

I know for you is hard to find right seller, but try to use search and search filters to find what you need!
i use search function and also using google search. i saw buyer ask to seller that accept adult/gambling niche or not. i just hope seller aware about this and put the info in the description.

Sorry about my english..

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I have seen some services around that do accept adult and gambling etc so there are some sellers that do. Of course it will take some time to search for seller that do supply for your niche.

I agree with Abid, I love the favorites option. This means while I am searching for the right seller I can add services to my favorites to check later.

Why don't you try out a WTB (want to buy)? Maybe that would work?

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Thank you Lynn,

I have seen some services around that do accept adult and gambling etc
i've found some seller and ordered some service who accept adult/gambling. i also follow some seller because i dont know favorite features before (just know from Anwe yesterday)

Of course it will take some time to search for seller that do supply for your niche.
I just hope the future any function to make more easy. so new buyer dont get any problem when finding some services for that niche.

Why don't you try out a WTB (want to buy)? Maybe that would work?
You right! i missed this features. i spent much time last week to find a service. This week i almost complete for link building.

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It is a pleasure! I know that this is an amazing way to find the right person to do a job when you are tired of searching. Let the sellers come to you What

I hope you come right, good luck!

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Depend what kind of service you looking for! You have to understand that sellers mostly have to obey third party terms of services when it's about promoting or publishing adult contents...
I know for you is hard to find right seller, but try to use search and search filters to find what you need! After you not need to remember what you found, you can simply add such services in your favorites from left sidebar then after you will have them in you list of favorites whenever you need them in

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Yes, you can create a WTB. Don't know for sure what quality sellers hang around WTBs but nevertheless, you can try it!
Also, I recommend you find good sellers that you think are honest and offer high-quality services and just ask the in a PM if they can handle an adult niche.

I recommend you create a template of this question and ask it multiple times by contacting high authority sellers. Just be careful not to get marked as spam.

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To simplify things you can just create a WTB and specify what you want and the terms. Those who bid will be the ones who can offer suhc a service.

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