
Why not randomize the homepage ?

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Why not randomize the homepage ?

Hi there,
I am on Seocheckout since 3 years, and watching the same service on homepage since last 3 years.
My question is simple why not randomize the homepage so that services show to visitor on random basis on their interest, So, the New seller also get equal opportunity.

It looks like some sellers(may be admin or moderators) have fixed the featured or Hilighted service on homepage, So they get the most eyeballs and for the new sellers chances are limit to come on homepage.

What do you says on this guys.



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Well.. If you've been here for 3 years you should have seen the featured services, and you do mention them. However, the featured services are not featured by admins or moderators. The featured services are featured because the sellers have bought a featured slot. ($575 per month). - And to me, it seems to be randomized, when it comes to the featured services. I don't see the featured services in the same order every time I visit the marketplace. But I do see the same services, even if they're not in the same order, and I see them because they're still featured.

To randomize all the other services would also kill the use of the bump feature, so I can't see the reason for doing something like that.

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As hitmeasap has said, the homepage services are featured services which costs $575. The featured services are not randomized as the ordering are decided by bumps. When your service goes back down, you can bump it back up same as any other service.

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I agree with the randomizing fashion of the list on the homepage but there is a catch to it that featured services are given the priority. In other words, you don’t get free lunch for your service to be advertised on the home page. You probably need to do something more to have that privilege. As I had read in one comment it costs $575 for your ad to be on the homepage. I hope I am not mistaken with the figures.

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