
How Much Money Should I Be Getting From 20,000 Uniques Per Day?

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How Much Money Should I Be Getting From 20,000 Uniques Per Day?

What would you want in money from 20,000 uniques per day average 60% UK traffic 20% US traffic & 20% 10% cananda traffic 10% lower level areas

What would you say i should be earning from this?

How would you monitize this to earn maximum profit?

I know you cant give me exact figures just a rough idea would be great



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For an optimized adsense page with 1% CTR , $2.10 per click, you can earn

20000 x 0.001 x 0.10 =$30 per day.

increase CTR by optimizing the landing page.
Increase click value by choosing the best earning keywords.

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Your computation is from 2012, what about now? I know that the adsense computation has changed. How much would such number of views can take in nowadays?

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