
10 Reasons to Be a Blogger in 2017+ Even if Nobody Reads it!

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10 Reasons to Be a Blogger in 2017+ Even if Nobody Reads it!

These days, it can be hard to get peoples attention and attract blog readers, especially when there are many other blogs out there much bigger and better and older than yours! But whether you're blogging for yourself, for personal reasons or for a business, here's 10 reasons why you should keep going and never quit!

10 Reasons to Be a Blogger in 2017+ Even if Nobody Reads it!

1. Search Engine Benefits
Search Engines like Google give some preference to blogs/websites that update with regular fresh, unique content. Independent studies and research show that blogs that update regularly get up to 55% more visitors compared to sites and blogs that don't! That goes for sites that don't even have a blog as well.

2. Personal Growth
To be a good "expert" blogger in your niche, you have to know about the subject you're blogging about. You'll have to learn about it to become an expert in it. By blogging about the subjects and topics you care the most about, you'll be learning as you go and improve your knowledge in that area through every new blog post that you write and publish about it.

3. Improved Skill Sets
Blogging is a valuable, marketable skill set. By being a blogger, you're picking up skills on writing and blogging and that can be reflected through your blog posts. As well as provide outsiders an insight into the way you think and communicate with people. Blogging can literally improve your skill sets and help you to gain trust and authority in the eyes of your readers.

4. Virtual Sales Calls
Your blog is like a virtual sales call, in a way. It provides a constant way of communicating to people that are looking for ways to know why your blog and your sites products should be valuable to them. It gives you a chance to reach out to far away customers and remind them why your products and services are special.

5. Clarity
Blogging helps you to focus on the topics and subjects you are writing and blogging about. It can provide a way to crystallize your views and why you think the way you do about them.

6. Content Library
By blogging, you are creating a content library for anyone that wants to read about that particular subject that your blog is about. This content library can have a lot of practical uses and leveraged in lots of different ways such as answering potential clients questions or even just as a platform to provide a basis for a presentation or a speech.

7. Product Development
Your blog can be used like a personal R&D lab where customers can be engaged to help solve their problems and and even crowd source new ideas for new products and services which you can sell on your site.

8. Endless Search Life
The good thing about blog posts is their infinite life. Your blog posts don't just help the immediate readers, but sit around forever for whoever else needs or wants to read them for whatever reason.

9. Public Relations
Your blogs posts can be used to reach more people, unlike press releases or status updates, your blog posts have the potential to reach a massive audience when you use aggregation services and cross posting publishing platform.

10. Numbers Vs Impact
Sure your blog might be new and you might only have a few readers, but you may be able to change the life of one of those readers through your content. Surely if you help just one person it would all have been worth it? You could be really touching and helping peoples lives with your blog and might not even know it. So keep on blogging!

So that's 10 reasons to blog and keep on blogging.

Even if nobody is reading your blog!

Do you blog for any of these reasons?

What other reasons do you blog for?


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I do not blog, but thought of blogging. The only issue is, is that I have no idea of what to blog about. Why would someone wanna be interested in my boring life. I probably wouldn't even read my own blog.. lol. Also, I do not really read other people's blogs as I do not have the time to do so. So if I do not have the time, then who is going to waste their time reading my blog. Just the way I see it. Perhaps in the future i may get a blog.. who knows!

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That was really a great post, which holds a great deal of truth. You could be amazed at all the benefits you can acquire from creating a blog! I am sure that this post could inspire several who were considering blogging, to give it a go.

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Like me, I know of some other writers who ventured into writing for the improvement of their written English. And having a blog is one good way of doing that. With my experience in blogging, I can say that I had a great improvement since day 1 that I wrote my first blog. It wasn’t easy at first but as you go along, it will be easier. Until now, I am trying to improve by learning on the grammar and sentence construction. That’s why I enjoy going to forums like this site because I get to learn so many things aside from improving my English.

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I blog because one of my kids suggested it would be a good way to improve my affiliate marketing websites. I was clueless when I started. I have learned a lot of things the hard way. But as it stands now I've started the blogs, invested my time, and I am not willing to give up on the projects. Actually, I don't see any good reason why I should unpublish them. Meaning that even if nobody is reading my blogs (which is not the case), that's not a good reason to stop blogging.

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