
Happy New Year 2017 Seocheckout! Let's rock 2017!!

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Happy New Year 2017 Seocheckout! Let's rock 2017!!

Hello and happy new year 2017 seocheckout!

Happy New Year 2017 Seocheckout! Let
Apparently it's traditional to say that around this time of year. And you know whenever you hear it, it's always to wish you well for the new year ahead. Which is exactly what I wish for everyone on Seocheckout in 2017 and beyond! Happy New Year 2017 Seocheckout! Let

You know, it's been some kind of year hasn't it? For seocheckout and the whole Ionicware Clerks nation of sites. And for the freelancing industry on a whole too!

A recap and highlight of 2016's most memorable moments!

2016 has been an interesting, productive and innovative year to say the least! We've seen some radical and innovative changes and great new features being added to both seocheckout and all Ionicware sites. Some small, some large, all amazing!

We've seen quite a lot of things happening and new things coming about. From the old forum being merged into the Community Discussions. To features for all of the Ionicware sites. New features all round, to benefit all users. And we've seen through the Community Discussions here how they and along with the site has helped people to find success in their seocheckout / Freelancing career.

One of the largest things to happen in 2016 was the user base merge. Where as before you had to rank and level up on each Ionicware site, now, all the sites are using the same level status as seocheckout. So if you was a Level 3 Seocheckout user/buyer/seller but only a Level 1 ListingDock/PixelClerks/WordClerks user, your level status carries over into all Ionicware sites the same so you'll be Level 3 everywhere if that's your level now.

This is a great thing for sellers here and buyers alike who can benefit from their freelance services. With no need to meet certain requirements to level up on each site, sellers can take advantage of all their current Seocheckout user level offers across all sites which means you can sell more and earn more quicker and that in turn means more variety for buyers to choose from as well! Win win all round! Happy New Year 2017 Seocheckout! Let

And of course, we've seen several new security features being added to make peoples accounts on all the Ionicware sites more secure as well. From secondary passwords to security questions. From telephone and address verification to identity verification to device management. Just little things that can give you a little more peace of mind.

And we've seen that the SEO industry is still going from strength to strength and looks set to be even bigger in 2017 and beyond that with up to 1/3rd of the US workforce becoming freelancers, could that percentage by 1/2 by the end of 2017?

And that's just for the US! As more people get online and take to freelancing in other countries, as well as more people getting online and needing a freelance service. We can expect a growth in the SEO and freelance industry on a whole.

That is something I for one and proud to be a part of that and look forward to seeing come about into fruition! Happy New Year 2017 Seocheckout! Let

So keep promoting Seocheckout you affiliates! Keep selling your services freelancers! And keep needing freelance services you freelance buyers! May your 2017 be bigger and better and more enriched and fulfiling than 2016 was!

What about 2016 was memorable and your most successful moment?

Are you excited for and feeling positive about 2017?

Do you have any plans you'll hope to put into action?

Whatever is whatever, let's rock 2017!!




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Happy New Year Mike. Have a great year ahead!

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Happy new year to you Mike, and to all Seocheckout users. Yes you are right, 2016 was a very good year on seocheckout. I think it was one of my best years ever as a freelancer too. I am thus looking forward for a great 2017 Happy New Year 2017 Seocheckout! Let

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Happy New Year Mike. I wish you the best of luck in your freelancing career, and in life, during 2017. - I hope that many of your dreams will come true and that you'll share many new things in the community discussion this year. - For all the other people on seocheckout. I wish you all the best too! - Good luck & happy new year!

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lol I know its a late message but happy late new year lol... I do hope so far 2017 as been a good year as it as for me. Wishing you all the best for the rest of 2017 and the years to come.

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With the days flying so fast before you know it it's gonna be New Years again.

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