
Any body know how to get free youtube subscriber for any link

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Any body know how to get free youtube subscriber for any link

Any body know how to get free youtube subscriber for any link. I have 50+ id. But when I add there subscriber there add 30+ add subscriber. 15/20 subscriber are dropped. So any body help me please how to add 100% non drop subscriber. Thank you


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Youtube is part of Google and this is why they mix all the ip address ranges up so that if you block google then you also block access to Youtube too and they are both experts at spotting web-bot posts used to tweak the ratings up on pages because the software used to SEO/Hack listings often goes far too fast even if the HTTP requests are perfect or they come from well know proxy servers or VPN's so you must be careful not to contaminate "?subscriber" profiles.

I don't mind you guys making lots of internet fog for the usual all american big names that work for the CIA/NSA and I don't like trackers and add-servers much but i do object to bots that fake click adverts so the add-servers can rip customers off and you would not beleive me just how much of this is going on and we are talking about some real big names here.

eBay might not care or be watching groups of scammers setting up shop and all selling eachother $2.01 feedback items but thats not to say others are not watching too so be carefull not to cross the wrong lines when you are doing this type of stuff

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With the new policy of Youtube in revenue sharing, we are also looking for ways to increase the number of our subscribers. At present, we are relying on our own efforts in soliciting for new subscribers. We had 270 subscribers and after a month of promoting our Youtube channel, we now have 310 subscribers. Substantial increase but not enough since the required minimum to earn revenue is 1,000 subscribers. That means it’s still a long way to go for our Youtube channel.

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Im planning to create a YouTube channel and I think it would be fairly easy for me to get 5000 subscribers during the first month because I've got several groups and pages in Facebook. I didn't know that you could earn in YouTube with just 1000 subscribers.

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