
How To Convince People Of The Fact That You Are The Expert?

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How To Convince People Of The Fact That You Are The Expert?

How To Convince People Of The Fact That You Are The Expert?

Fellow Freelancers, or should I say Experts..

Today, I'll bring you something different. Something you'll need to think about.

The subject is the title. The answers will vary. Some people will say one thing and others will claim another thing to be better. That's just the average way of life.

What we will talk about, is how you position yourself to be an expert.

I will give you one example, of how I would do things.

When I was a salesperson for SVD (A newspaper in Sweden), I simply told my previous boss, during the interview, that I was a superb salesperson, even though I had basically no prior experience at all. - Was that wrong?

At first glance of such an answer, I would say yes. It was wrong.

However, I added more to it.

I told him that I had experience from being a freelancer for instance. That I had been working with people previously, but in other ways, but I still had social skills. I gave him the full story so to speak, and by doing that, I convinced him of the fact that I was "the guy" he needed. - And I started to work.

So yeah, perhaps not the best story or example, but decent enough to make my point. At least I think so.

With that being said, you can be the expert, even if seems like you're not.

How do you position yourself to be an expert?
How do you convince people?

Best Regards,


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My feeling is that if you want to be considered an expert it is important to behave like one... and for me that means not claiming you are an expert LOL.

The thing is that you have so many self proclaimed online gurus and when I hear someone say they are a guru or an expert in the online marketing field I just get annoyed... like you and how many other millions of people?

I would say the best thing is to offer value to people, like joining in these discussions and being real, offering good solid advice and tips to other members.

That would speak for itself.

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Being an expert is no fun because people don't understand you or the subject and often think you are wrong

Most people are convinced that the internet hosts something like five hundred million web-sites because someone told them so and any search in Google will return to 3,999,432 results and Alexa lists billions of domain names but if we are talking real sites and not just 302 HTTP redirects or domain parks, real sites as in at least one real visitor in a day then the total for English speaking sites is well under two million and i would estimate the total for the world as being about five million.

if i said that got several billion hits a day then no one would blink eyelid but what about because Alexa has it ranked as 17,428,622, dead in other words and the world does not contain 17 million sites anyway unless you count sites that went 404 back in 1993 too.

Sure you can do an Whois to find that google ownes these servers but you end up reading computer code on GitHub to see whats going on and why this Url is embedded into every crome based browser in the world but who wants to know, no one is watching you, ignor the name, run the google update windows service, trust me, i'm a doctor

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My main line is forum posting. I am not claiming to be an expert of anything yet for now but when I go full time with my online work then I should be focusing more and sharing more information. An expert has a complete grasp of the subject matter and that would be my aim.

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I don't think there's any other to show a prospective buyer or client that one is an expert than showing what one can do, this is showing samples of previous work done.just telling the one you are an expert wouldn't cut it because anyone can say that.of course, talk is really cheap, just prove yourself with the previous jobs done and if there were good hen one get hired without delay.

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