
25 Blog Post Ideas: Using Competitors, Infographics and Title Generators for Ideas and Inspiration

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25 Blog Post Ideas: Using Competitors, Infographics and Title Generators for Ideas and Inspiration

Hello all. Going out to all you bloggers out there! Just recently, our man Andre has been posting some great topics to the Community Discussions here on starting and maintaining a blog. And one of the things about that is being able to come up with blog post ideas and inspiration so you will always, always have something to blog about!

So I thought I'd do 25 Blog Post Ideas for Inspiration for new blog post ideas for your blog. I'm going to talk about and share about 25 different ways and methods that I use for going about coming up with blog post ideas. I'll share a few of these ideas in this first post, and then stagger them out in individual posts for you like small square meals each day! 25 Blog Post Ideas: Using Competitors, Infographics and Title Generators for Ideas and Inspiration

Okay so the first thing to do, that I do, for blog post ideas and inspiration, is to follow and subscribe to all the top blogs that are in your niche. Blogs that would otherwise be my competitors/rivals blogs or blogs in the same industry that I'm in.

This includes doing several things and doing them in steps for each site. So I'll break down into step by step, steps, that you can follow. After you've done this first step, you probably wont even need to do any more steps as it will sure keep you busy!!

1. Follow Your Competitors Blogs in Your Niche

The best thing to do is search in Google for "your niche keywords" + "blog" and that will show you a ton of sites that have blogs or just blogs that you can use for coming up with ideas and inspiration for your own blog posts.

All you have to do is check out each site that shows and then look through their blog. Look at their blog posts and then look at how you can repurpose those posts. Think about how you can create your own, better version of theirs with your own insight and knowledge and tips etc that go into more detail and expand on areas, they never.

  1. Search for blogs in your niche by searching for your targeted keywords.
  2. Have a quick look at their blog and see what they've been posting about.
  3. Make a note of the blog post topic and link for reference in notepad or something.
  4. Also make sure to subscribe to their Atom or XML RSS feed so you get updated of their latest posts.
  5. Make sure to follow those blogs social media pages and profiles as well as they post them, and other stuff you will be able to use also.
  6. Use what you see on their blogs and social media profiles etc for blog ideas. You got a mind for imagination don't cha!?

That's it! 25 Blog Post Ideas: Using Competitors, Infographics and Title Generators for Ideas and Inspiration Just that one trick alone can help you to be one of the first blogs (or second perhaps) that blogs about a hot new topic or product in your niche. And since Google ranks content by when it was discovered (crawled/indexed), it will help you to stay on the pulse about what's hot/trending in your niche and be one of the first blogs to rank for it.

Of course, doing this for blog posts ideas, doesn't just give you ideas for new blog posts and let you keep your finger on the pulse of your industry, (you want to be an expert authority in it don't you?) but it also lets you network with those blogs by being one of the first to comment on their blog posts, break the ice, communicate and strike up networking relations with them such as guest posting opportunities, circle sharing etc. So why aren't you doing this exactly? 25 Blog Post Ideas: Using Competitors, Infographics and Title Generators for Ideas and Inspiration

But this one is one of the best ways to come up with blog post ideas for your own blog. Even if you're blogging in an industry that is new and there aren't many blogs out there to do this method with yet. It can still be applied later on when there are. But for niches like freelancing, trust me, there's a lot of freelance blogs out there!

2. Using Infographics for Blog post Ideas and Inspiration

Okay this next method is one I want to share with you because it's one of my main ways of coming up with blog post ideas for my blog when my competitors just aren't floating my boat. Is to look at some Infographics for a while for blog post ideas and inspiration.

Actually, it doesn't take long. Just search on Pinterest for "your keywords infographic" and bang! Thousands of them. Now just look through them and you'll not only start learning tons of things about your niche, but so much so that you can use all the information that's provided in those infographics that you'll be able to come up with an almost infinite and endless supply of blog post ideas!

Let's do an example search and the post the results here to put it to the test! 25 Blog Post Ideas: Using Competitors, Infographics and Title Generators for Ideas and Inspiration

Let's search on Pinterest for "Freelance infographics" for example. As you can see it's showing a huge amount of them. Just click on any one of them and then they'll show you lots of juicy stats and details about stuff that people like which you can use to start making a blog post from. And since most are made up of different sections, you could make several blog posts from just ONE infographic.
25 Blog Post Ideas: Using Competitors, Infographics and Title Generators for Ideas and Inspiration
Just click on one you like the look of and then start writing about it! Of course you can also search for boards as well and find many more. The amazing thing about infographics is not just that you can use them for blog post ideas/content but that you can usually find them for virtually any any every niche you can think about. Even new ones.

3. Using Title Generators

Okay this next way is quite simple on the face of it. But oh so useful. It doesn't give you actual content ideas to write about from the content that's already in an existing blog post somewhere or how an infographic does with it's content. But by generating a ton of titles from a simple keyword, you'll have plenty of blog post topics for your blog.

I use all these methods and read the latest news articles in my niche and that's usually enough for me to get those creative juices flowing and come up with blog posts. But this is a Title Generator that I like to use sometimes for blog post ideas too.

The best one I know about is the Tweak Your Biz Title Generator.

Just type a single keyword and chose whether it's a noun or a verb and then hit submit.

I chose the keyword "freelancing" and here's what it's returned back to me.
25 Blog Post Ideas: Using Competitors, Infographics and Title Generators for Ideas and Inspiration

That site actually shows you a lot more than is showing here. Click on the image to see the full version of what I'm shown or try the search term, with your own keyword yourself. If you've never seen or used a site like this before it's going to have your brain going into overload thinking how you can start writing about all these possible things! 25 Blog Post Ideas: Using Competitors, Infographics and Title Generators for Ideas and Inspiration

And yes, I sometimes use that to come up with posts for the Seocheckout Community Discussions. Sometimes they just come to me though. Like this CD did! I like them types of blog posts. You know when you just know it might just be a good idea?

Anyway, that's 3 certifiable ways to come up with Ideas and Inspiration for your next blog post.

Hope you like it and find it useful.

Do give it a thumbs up and follow me for more like this soon!

Any questions or anything just ask.

Cheers and to your success!



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Oh wow Mike, thank you! One of the things that I often struggle to come up with is catchy headlines and you have just solved that problem for me by sharing that title generator site. I never thought of looking for a website that generates titles but I should have now that I think about it. I mean there is a website for just about anything now right?

And I can certainly see how using a site like that will spark off the creative juices and help me come up with new ideas for content.

Yes I have often used infographics on Pinterest to get ideas for content and also for when I have an idea for my content already but I am trying to gather up points to bring up in my posts. It is such a quick and easy way to get an overall visual of what everyone else is including in their posts.

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This looks like another spying mission for us. Anyway, I know that it’s a pretty neat trick to check on your enemies, huh, I mean competitors. And once in a while, your spying would yield valuable leads on how get more popular than your competitor. However, it is not that easy and you need a lot of patience. Much more, the competitor you should be looking at is one of the most popular so at least the idea is relevant.

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