
What's the most affordable way of getting customized T-Shirts/Shirts?

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What's the most affordable way of getting customized T-Shirts/Shirts?

Hey guys,
I've been thinking about customized shirts and clothes for awhile now, but I've never thought of buying something for myself actually.. Or for a friend. I've always thought about this in terms of business etc.

And that's why I've made this question.. And I remember that someone mentioned a few months back. (I think it was Bev).

Anyhow, I'm looking for "the best" option to buy customized clothes. I want it fast with good quality and I want to be able to customize it myself, OR chose from a huge "library" of awesome designs where I can change just 1 word or something.

What would be the best option?
To buy it from sunfrog or any other supplier, or would I be better of by doing the design myself and print the design on "normal" T-shirts or whatever myself, locally?

Oh, and I'm from Sweden.

Best Regards,


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I've worked in the clothing industry and I would think the best would be to find a local supplier of Tshirts and printers to supply you simply because it may just be so much easier for you to manage.

Often printers will be able to supply you with the tshirts too since a lot of people want customized tshirts done for them. Maybe speak to a few local printers and see what they say?

I did baby clothing so maybe that is different, I couldn't find a quality supplier of baby clothing, so I had my own made up and I did the printing directly through a local printer.

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Thank you very much Lynne. I was thinking like this too actually. But that would involve some time to find suppliers of T-shirts and the printers.. And I would probably have to discuss with several companies too, to find the best deal for me. - Which is why I started to doubt this option.

Perhaps I'll just have to get a printer myself.. And buy T-shirts in bulk. And do the work myself at home. What - That could be a decent business further on, but I'm not into selling these actually. I'm looking for a way of getting these T-shirts myself. For my own personal use. Thanks though, I appreciate it! What

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