
Why are some of my Pinterest community boards showing blank white page?

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Why are some of my Pinterest community boards showing blank white page?

So, today, someone ordered some Pinterest board invites. But on going to that board to send them the invite, the board is not loading for me. It's just showing a blank white page.

I thought it might have been a cache/cookie thing so deleted all my cache/cookies but it's still doing the same thing. For some boards not for all.

This only happens when I'm logged into my Pinterest account. If I log out I can view that board. But obviously I cannot send invites to people from it if I'm logged out.

Has anyone here every experienced this with Pinterest? Although I know a lot of people here don't use Pinterest as much as I do and might not have experienced it. But I thought to ask here anyway just in case someone has and can explain what's going on and why it's doing that!

So, why do some of the community boards I'm a user of, show me a blank white page when I try to visit it?

Is this something that Pinterest has done to me? The thing is, I hardly ever pin to some of these boards myself. So I couldn't have been blocked from them or anything.

Besides, the board owners would likely just remove me from the board.

This is most strange!

Anyone know why it's doing this?




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How strange Mike. I am not on Pinterest nearly as much as you but I do pin things quite regularly. I have never come across this before.

I am glad it came right since that is quite concerning isn't it? I would think that if someone blocked you from a board that you would not see it at all even to click on? However I wouldn't know since I have not been banned from a Pinterest board, well not that I know of anyway!

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I am not a Pinterest user but I have checked the concept and the mechanics. When something happens in social media like quirks or unusual displays, you tend to panic. That’s how I felt when I couldn’t click the like button in Facebook because the message was that I was abusing that feature. What? Abusing the like button? It was strange because I had never done something like that. By the way, I experienced that just a few days ago that I couldn’t click the like button for 5 hours maybe.

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