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I am getting a bit upset not for myself but for the investors who are in Ethereum. I have made a few topics about attacks that have been done in the past few weeks and it seems like it has not subsided yet. Four days ago another attack on Ethereum took place and this time hackers made away with less than 1 million worth of crypto. The person who was robbed was Bo Shen a successful business man and entrepreneur. They actually stole his phone and all of his emails and crypto currency accounts. They are making it look very easy to hack ETH and people are getting super spooked. This is like the 3rd hack in less than 3 months im pretty sure they have broken the record for amount of hacks that have been done to any crypto.
Could this type of hack be avoided? I would say absolutely! Keeping hundreds of thousands of dollars on crypto wallets stored on your phone is just a stupid idea. Money certainly does not make you smart and this proves that. I would have to say cold storage would have saved this guy from being robbed. You should never keep your wallet on you because if people know you have it they will try and steal it just like paper currency. Just because crypto allows you to carry a ton of money and not take up alot of space does not mean you should keep a million dollars on you lol.
Ethereum is done man if this is not the final nail in the coffin its coming soon especially if they do not fix this problem ASAP!
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Or maybe I am naive and it is the same as hacking into your bank account online?
Yes I totally agree with you that walking around with 1 million worth of cryptocurrency on you is not the brightest move. I don't even carry any cash on me since it is dangerous. OMG that is a little silly isn't it? And that is one thing that makes me quite nervous about cryptocurrency, surely it is quite easy for people to just hack into your things and steal it? Or maybe I am naive and it is the same as hacking into your bank account online? Yes I totally agree with you that walking around with 1 million worth of cryptocurrency on you is not the brightest move. I don't even carry any cash on me since it is dangerous.
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