
Why should you start a crypto currency business?

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Why should you start a crypto currency business?

The world of crypto currency is growing and im afraid in the next few years many people will miss an opportunity of a lifetime. 2016 was a great year for crypto as a whole and especially for Bitcoin. Paper money and world currencies are falling, and when they do Bitcoin will flourish. With over 8 Billion people in the world Bitcoin will probably not be enough and we will need other crypto currencies to fill in the gap. When i say buy crypto currency i don't mean just buy Bitcoin. I have a few crypto currencies in mind that could be the next big thing.

With the growing world of crypto its a good idea to make a business now and then grow it over the next 5 years. You will see at least a 300% increase in the entire Crypto currency industry over this time. What makes me say that? More than just Bitcoin did 100% this year in profit. What that means is that my 300% over the next 5 years is a moderate estimate. What could this mean for your small business? This could mean that your small business turns into a moderate sized business with employees over 5 years time.

If you need help thinking of ideas or starting a business like this im always looking to partner up and do things like this. What do you guys think of all this? Would you want to start a crypto company after the huge year we had?

Remember when reading my topics about trading i only give you advice based on research and market analysis. Please only use this as a guide and do not hold me responsible for any losses. Keep trading and if you have any questions leave them below.

As always thank you for reading please don't forget to follow me and like the topic.


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I certainly think it will be a hugely profitable business to be involved in the very near future and I am so excited for you.

I totally agree with you that it will be growing like mad but it is not the business for me as much as I love money Why should you start a crypto currency business? I can see how passionate you are about Bitcoin though and I am sure you will have an amazing year in 2017. I can't wait to read your updates!

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Im just as excited or even more so than you are Lynne. I cant wait to experience and write about Bitcoin this year coming either. People are expecting an even bigger year than before which means more money for new crypto currency companies. New exchange companies are expected to grow 30-40% per year or more over the next 5 years. Mining companies are expected to grow 10-20% per year. The most profitable company that would grow the fastest is crypto currency education. So many people want to find out more about crypto currency and the more it gets into the main stream the more people will need education. Crypto education is very important and a company like this can grow over 60% a year over the next 5 years.

I think i will have an amazing year too i just need to grow fast as i can and deal with the road blocks. I hope that everyone buys Bitcoin soon and holds onto it along with a few others. I love Bitcoin and i love money my only problem with money is that i hate to let it go buahhaahahaha!

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2016 has been a big year for crypto currencies indeed. The first time I heard about Dogecoin and Litecoin was when I bought a service on Seocheckout actually. "Payment Options" - "Cryptocurrency" - "Dogecoin/Litecoin". - That was awesome!

The first time I ever heard about Ethereum was during my rather short time on Steemit. And that was obviously also the first time I ever heard about Steem and Steem Dollars. - All of them Cryptocurrencies.

I can't remember when I first heard about Bitcoin (BTC), but I guess it must have been during 2015.. Although I'm not sure of that. Anyhow, BTC is truly a cool currency and I love all the fantastic things that happens for and around cryptocurrencies nowadays. - 2017 will be an even bigger year. I'm positive. - I just hope I'll be able to grab myself some of the coins.

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Yes i think every should have this portfolio 40% Bitcoin, 10% Digital Coin, 5% Peercoin, 15% Dash Coin, 20% Litecoin 10% Ripple coin. That is just my opinion and please don't hold me responsible for any losses you may take, but make sure you give me credits for all profits lol! I think its really weird that you heard about Doge and LTC before Bitcoin but im just glad you know about them now. Ethereum is probably the more riskier of the coins which is why its no longer in my portfolio. They cannot seem to get it rite and the dreams of passing Bitcoin are washing up here. Even if you can only invest a small amount my recommendation is to do it as soon as you can.

I hope to start a crypto currency business soon in 2017 im hoping for either an exchange company or an investment advice company. I have no idea maybe ill just do both and see which works out best. Im looking for partners if anyone wants to help me get somehtign started!

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Well, it might be a good idea if you really know what you are doing. I don't see me starting such a business but I could totally see you having your own coin.
Also, you can start the currency, make it somewhat popular and just sell it to the highest bidder, if your idea is good enough I don't see why people won't want to buy it and turn it even more profitable. Has anyone made money like this before and made good cash?

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Selling start up crypto companies? Yes i believe Digital coin was the first one unless he didn't sell yet. Starting a currency requires way to much money and the chances that it never takes off are really high. You have to be in a good position to make a currency. You need stores that will accept them you need people who will use and trade them the list goes on. It'll take millions before you even start to see an increase in your holdings. When i say start a crypto business i don't mean start a coin, you can start so many businesses around crypto that are really profitable. Bitcoin is headed past 800 a coin very soon here and other cryptos have doubled in 2016. If you don't start a crypto business you will be kicking yourself next year.

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To be sincerely,
I want to start this business but i don't have any knowledge about it.
Please, can anybody tell me more about it?

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This is not a business that I am brave enough to tackle. But I do know of others who have decided to take this financial adventure! I wish them all the best!

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I have to admit that I like to have a business but not Bitcoins because I don’t have a full knowledge of it. My first question is the control of that pseudo currency. Who or what is controlling the value of Bitcoins? And who is backing up the Bitcoin as to trust its value just like any other currency that is legal tender to mean it is backed up by the government. I hope I will get a clear answer this time.

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This is quite interesting, although I think there are a lot of risks in this market. Although what investments do you not risk?Why should you start a crypto currency business?

What platforms do you trade on? I recently read a review of three popular sites in this article and by many criteria, I like binance, which recently launched international trading of USD, BTC, E, RP, TRY, which seems promising

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