
Selling Business ideas. Profitable business?

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Selling Business ideas. Profitable business?

Selling Business ideas. Profitable business?

I recently publish a topic about people with budgets, without having a business idea.

Now I'll talk about business ideas, and if this is actually something you could turn into a profitable business. - And the answer is YES!

I don't say that it will be easy.. Most things aren't easy. And if things sounds to good to be true, it usually is.

However, a business idea, is like I stated in the other topic.

A business idea is a concept that can be used for financial gain that is usually centered on a product or service that can be offered for money. An idea is the first milestone in the process of building a successful business.


So even if you can't have a budget without a business idea, you can totally have money to invest into a business, if you come up with the idea. Right?

And if you can have money to invest into a business, if you come up with the business idea, someone else could give you the idea, correct?

So, if you come up with business ideas. If you do research and if you can figure out how much you'll need to invest, how many orders you can get, and how much money you can make.. Then you'll also be able to sell the business idea.

In theory, it's actually rather easy to do this. All it takes is some research. - Time is money for anyone, and especially freelancers. - But if you spend your time on research, you'll also be able to "trade" that time for money, if you sell your knowledge.

I mean, it's basically like whatever product you've ever bought before.. But instead of information on how to do things, or how you can do things. You'll sell the whole business concept. You give them everything.

How much you can charge for the business idea would obviously depend on how much money you believe you'll be able to make from it. - Websites on flippa sells for 18x the monthly revenue.. And sure, you won't be able to charge that much for something like this, but 3-4 times the monthly revenue you expect from the business shouldn't be a big deal.

What do you think? - Would you ever sell a business idea like this?

Best Regards,


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Hmmm... You made me thinking and i am not so sure about this Selling Business ideas. Profitable business?

Let's say that i have really cool idea about some new innovative business. So i start thinking why would i sell it if i can do it and make money flowing in by the time. Would it be better to start new business, set it up, make it running and establish everything it needs, then flip it for more money or sell just idea for less money... It's kind of the thing i am not so sure about.

Let's say, YouTube can be example of this. If someone sold idea about website for sharing videos, how much would it worth? And we know how much the YouTube was sold for to Google after it become so popular by millions of users...

Investors wouldn't go for some simple idea or something too risky, but if the business idea is really good with good vision, then i am not sure yet if i would sell it just as idea...

Well yeah... It's me Selling Business ideas. Profitable business?

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Abid yeah I am with you on this one, but because why would I sell just an idea when it can make me so much more money if I follow it through myself. Then yeah I can sell it for buckets of cash instead of pocket money or I can keep it and make money for many years to come!

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I think that as a business idea it is a cool one. Certainly if there are so many people sticking their hands up in the air and waving their money around asking for guidance then there is a market for that for sure!

For me personally though I keep all my business ideas to myself and one by one I slowly make them a reality. I am busy with implementing a new set up for part of my mommy blog and I am also setting up another website which hopefully will be ready next year.

I have loads more ideas and I will implement them one by one over time. My problem is that I don't like to share. If a business is really lucrative wouldn't it be a better move to play it close to my chest and launch that business myself and keep all the profits?

Call me selfish or what but that's how I think. I am tired of lining other people's pockets and I decided not to do it anymore.

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I think that there are many people with good ideas who do not have the money to realize them, and then there are the rich ones, who are not the least bit creative. The world is always full of contradictions and this is certainly one of those let us say, unfortunate cases. The former can of course see if they can get some resources to realize their ideas, but there are also many of them who get discouraged in the process. So with your proposition it could be a nice way of coupling up the two sectors and managing to realize an idea well for both parties.

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I think it's called entrepreneurship only you won't end up running the business. This may be a thing but you need to have a lot of influence and you need to already be a big "name" in the domain you activate for potential investors to buy your idea.

And how are you going to hand over the idea in the first place? Make the client pay for something that he/her doesn't know anything about?

Already starting a website may be cool and all, but if the idea is great, what is stopping anyone from copying it and starting their own websites? Sure you may convince someone to take over your website and pay for it, but I find this too much of a task to make a real profit at the end of the day.

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I am on one facebook group where people do sell the business ideas. And they also give some estimation and the guidance for the new business. You can find that selling business ideas may not be that easy. Not a lot of people can invest into them unless you add some implementation tips. It takes time for such to work but it is doable from what I know.

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Selling a business idea or concept is not new at all. In fact, it's the main idea behind the franchising business. A lot of companies nowadays grow their business by going into franchising where they not only get to sell their business concept to investors but also expand their customer base/market and allow them to earn from royalties and equipment trade.

Besides the websites that freely share their business concepts (expect this to be financed by franchise ads), there are actually books in magazine format that sells one or two businesses idea with the capitalization, costing, equipment, suppliers, and pricing method. Potential investors can easily buy this type of magazines from $4 to $11.

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Selling business ideas is one of the aspects of freelancing that many of us are not really thinking about. I mean, if one cannot really make use of those business ideas at that particular time, then why not sell it to someone that could implement it and make money while you make money as well from selling it.

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Selling a business idea would be easier if you can present someone, either yourself or an associate, who has the experience or expertise in the subject matter. I had seen film directors selling their ideas to prospective movie producers and all they use is their name as the reference simply because they are veteran directors who gained popularity with their works. In other words, let your output speak and selling a business idea breeze will be a breeze.

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That's a pretty hard business to earn from because most people would only steal your ideas. Any idea presented to a person in part or in full can be used and be innovated by that person, without you getting paid.

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