
Level X3 or Level 4? Which one is probably the best seller?

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Level X3 or Level 4? Which one is probably the best seller?

Sometimes, looking at the services, we can have the impression that Level 4 sellers are way more rarer than Level X3 sellers.

According to your experiences, what are your impressions regarding the Level X3 vs Level 4 sellers? Who provides a better service?

Which level is more preferable? For example, which level gives you more chance of having more sales or a higher priced service?


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According to your experiences, what are your impressions regarding the Level X3 vs Level 4 sellers?
My impression of a level 4 seller is that he/she has sold more packages and had more affiliate sales while also having a quick response time. The level X3 member has done all they could and have been recognized by a staff member or admin and promoted to a staff selected member for their services and support for their clients. If you can get to level 4, you've most likely slipped out of the staffs view somehow and didn't get upgraded for your service to all the Seocheckout members. It's much more rare to see a level 4 because people tend to get staff selected before they get to that point.

Who provides a better service?
In all honesty, you could have a level 1 member providing a super high quality service and a level X5 member offering something that is complete garbage. I've purchased from plenty of lvl 1 members and been blown away with the quality of a service they provide. Usually they jump to a higher ranking fairly quick because of all the positive reviews and orders. On the other hand I've bought from level X3, X4 and X5 members and not very impressed with the results. Sometimes it's like they don't need to provide a high quality service because they already acquired the highest title they could Level X3 or Level 4? Which one is probably the best seller?

So basing someones quality just on their user level will never work. Just remember that we all started out somewhere and we were all low level at one point Level X3 or Level 4? Which one is probably the best seller?

Which level is more preferable? For example, which level gives you more chance of having more sales or a higher priced service?
Any level X is preferable to something that is not staff selected. This is because people will see that you've been staff selected and they will be more willing to purchase from you since you've been tested and approved by someone who knows their stuff Level X3 or Level 4? Which one is probably the best seller? Level X3 will definitely be able to sell a service higher than someone at level 3 because they are marked as an authority. You won't be able to mark you prices up extremely high, but you could probably get 25% more for your services.

Thanks Level X3 or Level 4? Which one is probably the best seller?


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Hi Razzy,

Thanks a lot for your comprehensive and awesome reply ;)

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Hello Clerkboy im glad you made this topic today. Are you interested in becoming a level X seller here on the site? Being level X is not easy to do and is a privilege here on seocheckout. According to my experience Level X sellers have higher quality customer service and provide an overall better Seocheckout experience. I don't think being a level X seller makes someone a better seller i just think that these sellers have a better understanding of the rules and what a transaction is suppose to be like. Our number 1 concern is the client, if they are not happy we are not happy. Anyone can sell high priced services even non level X sellers and if they build a good reputation they could even outsell level X sellers that sell the same type of service. I tell people to strive for level X but first make sure you are providing level X types of services. Quality control and response time are some of the most important things so you have to make sure you keep these things under control.

Find out about user level facts here on Seocheckout Below

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Hello jkeyz2,

Yes, of course I would love to be one day a level X seller. But at the moment I am not selling services here. However, I want to do that in near-medium term future for sure Level X3 or Level 4? Which one is probably the best seller?
You made great points here, especially the 1st one that is harder to achieve: "I tell people to strive for level X but first make sure you are providing level X types of services. Quality control and response time are some of the most important things so you have to make sure you keep these things under control."

Thanks for your input jkeyz2 ;)

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Oh interesting topic for sure. I am sure that both have their advantages but like Razzy has said you might at times get a better service from a Level 1 seller than you would from a top level seller.

Quite recently I purchased a service from someone that just arrived here at Seocheckout and I was that sellers first customer. I received top notch service so it really is sometimes luck of the draw.

That said as a general rule I love to go with a Level X seller, simple because they have caught the eye of the Seocheckout staff, this means to me that they have something special.

That said Level 4 sellers have sold a lot of services and they have also consistently received good reviews.

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Hi Lynne,

I found that experience myself when I purchased services from lower level sellers. Sometimes a level 1 seller is better than the sellers at the above levels. We have been level 1 someday Level X3 or Level 4? Which one is probably the best seller?

Thanks for your input Lynne Level X3 or Level 4? Which one is probably the best seller?

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It is a pleasure Clerkboy3. You know what I think would be the best move? To not worry so much about level at all.

What really counts and what people remember is the level of service you give. Ultimately this is what gets people coming back to order from you. Once you have a few regular buyers you will do well.

Also for affiliates link me, I will only link to a really great seller when I am promoting seocheckout. I don't really care what level they are, what I care about is whether I have had a personal relationship with that seller and what type of service they have given me.

If it is great I will use that seller to promote in my posts!

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To answer your question, lets look at how to obtain X3 and Level 4 ranks. To get X3, you need to be level 3 and get noticed by staff members. With level 4, I think the hardest thing is to get 50 unique affiliate sales and 100 sales. In terms of difficulty, I think level 4 is harder than getting X3. It is not easy to get 50 unique affiliate sales and 100 sales at the same time when you need to focus on both getting sales and getting affiliates.

In terms of benefits, both has their advantages, for example level X3 users gets a highest ticket priority, while level 4 users gets an extra 1% on sales. Who is the better seller, I would say the level 4 user because getting 50 unique affiliate sales and 100 sales is tough and you get an extra 1% on sales which is much more beneficial to the seller. As you also said, there are less level 4 sellers here and maybe that implies something.

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Hi MasterA,

I think the hardest part is not the sales and / or purchases, it is the affiliate sales. Affiliate sales is probably (by far?), the toughest part.

Thanks for your input Level X3 or Level 4? Which one is probably the best seller?

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Well, level X3 are already chosen by the staff so most of their services are good or very good. A level 4 users just made the extra effort and actually brought more sellers to the marketplace via the affiliate problem. From a "selling" level 4 users are just like level 3 + the affiliates.

If a level 4 user hasn't become level X yet it means it didn't make himself visible enough to get noticed by the staff, those that are level X3 already did and that's what makes the difference.
I believe that both are reliable sellers, that put a lot of effort at getting where they are now, you won't be disappointed by either of them I believe.

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Thanks for your input Cristian Level X3 or Level 4? Which one is probably the best seller?

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I am a Level X5 user. I was the third user to reach the level. And I don't think that I'm better than any sellers at all. Not in a single way.

As level X users are manually selected by the staff, it's hard to say exactly why I got promoted to this fantastic level, but in all honesty, I can obviously understand some of the reasons at least.

I personally believe that a level 1 seller can do exactly what I do, or do it two times better, but I also believe that most of the Level 1 to Level 3 sellers don't try to push themselves to reach another level. I treated and I am still treating my Seocheckout account, as a business. I have never used my account or my username to neglect other people's services, their nationality or to harm Seocheckout in a single way, because that's not what I do. I always work hard to please my clients, "random people" on seocheckout, potential clients AND Ionicware.

That's why I become an affiliate in the first place. It was obviously a privilege to become an affiliate as I could earn extra, passive income by doing that, but it was also "for the greater good" so to speak. If I could bring in affiliates, then I'd do both you, me and ionicware a favor. - And that's what I did.

On top of that, I also respond and replied to anything negative about Seocheckout online. No matter where I saw it. On a personal blog, in a huge forum or on social media. I've always replied to such topics and discussions, but not as a "defender", but I used my own experience when I did it. I did it as a person.

So, with all the previous replies in this topic, I'd say that any Level X user are "better" than a level 4 or any other Level. But not when it comes to business, services or as persons. I believe they are "better" for Ionicware or Seocheckout in general due to what I've stated above for instance.. But I bet that Seocheckout staff has missed out on many of the Level 3 and 4 sellers too. - Or not promoted them to X yet for various reasons. Perhaps they just missed them.. Or perhaps they're waiting for that little extra before they do it. - You'll never know.. And neither do they. Level X3 or Level 4? Which one is probably the best seller?

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Hi Andre,

Instead of this title "Level X3 or Level 4? Which one is probably the best seller?", I should have selected something like:
"Level X3 or Level 4? Which one is probably the best level?". That's what I was more curious about; because I know that you can find good and bad sellers at all levels. At the same time, I think it is more difficult to find bad experiences on higher level sellers, especially the level x ones. You can see that sellers with very low feedback, sometimes they get so disappointed that log in after several days or simply not at all.

Like you I believe that many times it is a question of pushing ourselves to a better level but I would not be that optimistic...
Many people don't know how to provide this or that service or are not creative enough. Others don't know how to bring in 50 or 100 affiliates (maybe it is also a mathematical impossibility or extremely unlikely, if everybody was level 4, we would have at least 50 times more buyers than sellers?).

Also, our problems, country, personal circumstances as well as our capacity, stamina and intelligence, etc. is different from other people (I am not excluding myself here). Looking at all Seocheckout users, only 7 / several thousand are level x5; if it was just a question of pushing ourselves to a better level, that figure would be a lot higher!

I love Seocheckout as well and I think that this platform is great and has a lot of potential and opportunities Level X3 or Level 4? Which one is probably the best seller?

Thanks for your input Andre ;)

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Oh, you're using my real name. That's a little bit spooky. Level X3 or Level 4? Which one is probably the best seller?

And yeah, sure, I do understand the point of the 50 unique affiliate sales, so I can see why some people have doubts or doesn't even try to push themselves to reach another user level.. But, I have more than 500 unique affiliate sales.

As you can see here:
Level X3 or Level 4? Which one is probably the best seller?

That basically means that I could have been promoted to Level X5 10 times. And the thing is, that Seocheckout still isn't THAT big, so there's room for millions of people. The only thing a seller has to do, is to bring 50 out of all those millions of people. - Is it hard? - Yeah, sure it can be. - Is it worth it? - It sure is!

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Wonderful graphic ;)

You made a mistake about the unique affiliate sales, it's 100 for level 5. 50 is for level 4 (at least according to the current user level rules), but still, you could have been promoted to Level X5 5 times according to the current requirements, which is without a doubt a superb achievement!

What you achieved here is absolutely fantastic dude, you da master man Level X3 or Level 4? Which one is probably the best seller?
Wish you success on your journey here ;)

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Oh, yeah that is correct! - That was a mistake from my side. I guess I was too focused on Level 4. Level X3 or Level 4? Which one is probably the best seller?

Thanks for letting me know though. I'll still have it as it is in the above reply, but with this one, I know I did a mistake. Level X3 or Level 4? Which one is probably the best seller?

And yeah, it's certainly great but it's nothing impossible at all to reach. I just focused for a few months and then things started to roll. The snowball effect really. - I haven't been promoting my affiliate links for more than a year now.. And that's actually sad, because I'd love to get some more affiliates Level X3 or Level 4? Which one is probably the best seller?

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I hope that Level X3 Sellers is very good Experience.

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Some people are not aware of the meaning of X before the number. X is a Roman symbol meaning 10 therefore X+3=13 so 13 is better than 4 i.e. 13 against 4
I hope the above provides the best explanation.

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