
Instagram is 'for the devil' according to Justin Bieber

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Instagram is 'for the devil' according to Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber, that pop star everyone loves to hate, said recently during a London O2 shoot last Tuesday that "Instagram is for the devil". That his girlfriend at that time, Sofie Riche was getting abused on it probably had something to do with that.

During the O2 gig Justin asked his fans "Who thinks I should get my Instagram back?" Of which all his fans all screamed to let him know he should. But Justin's reply was a;

"Nah, I don't want to get my Instagram back. Instagram is for the devil. I think hell is Instagram. I'm 90 percent sure. We get sent to hell, we get locked in the Instagram server. I'm stuck in my DMs trying to get out."

Here is the video of the moment where Justin says it's for the devil.

Apparently the fans scream so loud during breaks that he has asked them to stop screaming in between songs. Justin says "I don't think it's necessary when I'm trying to say something and you guys are screaming.".

Is Instagram for the devil?

Is any social media site for the devil?

Do you think Justin should get his Insta back?

Does anyone other than his fans care? lol


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Sure, I could potentially believe that "insta is for the devil", but if that's the case, all the other social medias are "for the devil too". I mean, why just Instagram? - And no, I don't care about him or if the social medias actually were "for the devil", and I don't care if he's getting his insta back or not. I would never spend a single second searching for him or checking his photos. - I don't like him.

That being said, this guy has always been weird in my opinion. It seems to be like he's trying to get even more attention by doing what he does. I mean, Justin Bieber? - Just a Bäver, as I call him myself. Which is "Just a Beaver". - Has he done anything lately at all, that you should be aware of I mean? - Nah. He's lame. Instagram is

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Justin Bieber Instagram is
He used to be a good guy, from a poor christian family, educated by his mum. Back than, he was more simple, with better manners, good behaviour. He was just living his dream!
But now??
He is probably just a bad influence and / or "role model"
Not sure if Instagram is so commited to the devil... But Justin Bieber, unfortunately, seems to be nowadays!...

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"We get sent to hell in the Instagram server" LMAO all i have to say is that this kid is freaking delusional. Why did he lose his Instagram in the first place? I didn't hear of this i guess it didn't make major headlines buahahaha! I don't know why Facebook is not going after him and suing him for defamation calling the company hell! But we get slammed for having likes services ooooo the irony. I really agree with him Instagram sucks and it is hell! We should all boycott it and create another social media thats better. Do i care about Justin? I do not care but since you made this topic im thinking i want to get all in the business and figure out what is going on. Please keep us updated on the outcome of this i would like to know why he lost it and if he gets it back buahhahaa!

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Just Bieber has recently just punched a fan in the face yet Instagram is for the devil?

Instagram and other social networks are not bad, it is what you do with them that is the problem. I have seen loads of people behaving badly on social media, just normal people that are splashing their personal problems with other people all over social media (epic fail in my eyes) and public figures that obviously have a little problem.

If you want to make your life a public one and then behave badly what on earth do you expect? Justin Bieber does not know how to behave properly.
In his defense though, fame at such a young age is not good in my eyes, young children cannot be expected to take the pressures of fame like that. Just look at a whole stack of other stars that found fame early on.... look at Miley Cyrus and Britney Spears as other examples.

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The guys that got his start and Youtube and basically because of Youtube is now a star with more money than God thinks social media is the devil. Yeah sure Bieber, keep it up mate, next stop crazy town.

I'm sick and tired of celebrities giving their opinion on politics, society or other stuff, nobody cares! Stop acting like you know anything about the world and what kind of problems normal folks have! This is the reason why Trump is president now, people got tired of the media and celebrities tell them what to think and how to act.

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When you are famous you tend to see the seedy side of society, fandom and humanity even more. This is why Barack Obama didn't allow his kids social media accounts. I don't use instagram but I do agree with him, I wouldn't use social media unless it makes me money and if I already had the money then I wouldn't use them and voice my honest opinion on them.

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It is quite hilarious that a top music superstar like Justin Bieber could say such a top social media platform that many online users have registered on and have been using for quite a long time without getting visited by the devil or whatever he meant by the devil anyway. I just do not blame him for saying such for I suspect that he might be having some issues when he said so and did so out of emotional imbalances.

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Justin Bieber quoted on that statement but I believe that is a figurative and not a literal declaration. It is obvious that Bieber is peeved with Instagram that’s why he closed his account there and probably he is out to smear that social media platform as a revenge. We really don’t know the exact reason but my take is that Instagram may have suspended the account of Bieber due to a misdemeanor. I am only speculating though but that is a smart guess, I think.

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