
Managing social pages for your website or business and why it helps in the long run.

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Managing social pages for your website or business and why it helps in the long run.

I've been going back and forth with a client of mine and telling them that they need to get on social media and post about their products, sales, deals of the day, etc. They keep fighting me on it every time I bring it up because they can't afford to pay me for my services to manage all of their social media marketing. I showed them how to do it for themselves and they still won't do it lol Managing social pages for your website or business and why it helps in the long run. So that's when I thought I'd share some knowledge about posting to all of your social media platforms to be even more successful later on Managing social pages for your website or business and why it helps in the long run.

Why should you post on social media for your website and/or business?
It's pretty simple actually... For the sales! If you're not posting on all of your social media profiles then you're just chasing your competitors. Social media is a huge sales funnel and tons of companies are posting daily to bring in clients. If you're not posting, you're giving clients to your competitors.

Should you post on your social media pages even if you don't have any followers?
Yuuuuup! You should definitely be posting to your social media platforms even if you don't have followers for the simple fact that you don't know who's looking at your page. If someone stumbles upon your page and doesn't see any posts, they won't know how awesome your website is lol. Post about your services, sales, events, specials, etc. so that everyone, even the lurkers, know what you're about.

Should you post a bunch every day in order to get your links in front of hundreds of users?
Probably not. Spamming your social profiles usually isn't what a good company does. Post about specific things and not what time of day it is or the current temperature outside lol. People want to see genuine posts and that means you'll have to post a few times a week or even once a day. If you're marketing to a worldwide audience then you can post up to 4 times a day to target everyone. I like to post in 6 hour increments if I'm targeting the globe. I'll post once at 6am, once at 12pm (noon), once at 6pm and finally once at 12am (midnight) just so I can hit every time zone and make sure people can see it when they wake up or go to sleep Managing social pages for your website or business and why it helps in the long run.

I told all of this to my client and they still aren't posting to any of their social profiles Managing social pages for your website or business and why it helps in the long run. I even told them how to automate it using a third party service and they thought it wasn't worth it Managing social pages for your website or business and why it helps in the long run.

What do you guys and girls think?

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Having inactive social media pages is sad and not good for business, not matter the niche you want to activate on. If your competitors are doing it you should also do it, not exactly the same, put some soul into it and try having different social media campaigns, but you need to have them!

What happens if a potential client checks your social media pages before he actually makes a purchase? He/Her will see an inactive page and will think the same about your business, dropping the idea of buying your product altogether.

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Oh yes Cristian! I have seen some really dead social media channels! I have a few social media channels that I post to only when I publish new content to and others where I am really active.

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Oh I totally agree with you Razzy. I've had a few people ask me for advice on how to market their blog and when I ask about social media they say they don't have time or they don't like social media. My mouth of course drops to the floor in shock.

I post once or twice a day to most of my social networks but my mommy blog Facebook page I post a good number of times a day and my fans love it. They interact nicely on my page and I get good traffic to my website.

At this moment I get the majority of my traffic to my mommy blog from my Facebook page!

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I have facebook pages for each of my website. The highest numbers of followers I have is on a facebook page is for a blog on lingerie niche (126 followers). Building this number was not easy for me, yet this is still a small number for substantial conversion. How do you build followers?

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Thank you for sharing this piece of useful information! You are so nice to even show your clients how to work on their social media sites on themselves.

I just started to be serious on my software development business as a freelancer. I have set up my website, and still thinking if I should set up any social media profiles. I guess I should.

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I have a Twitter account with 6.5 K followers. It took me years to build this numbers of followers. Now, when I tweet my link, I will get 100 visits instantly. My patience with building twitter followers has paid me. I have half a dozen facebook pages. I don't have too many followers for my pages however, over the time my followers will increase. There will be a day when I will have 1k or maybe 10k followers for my pages and my followers will help me generate traffic and sales.

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If you have a Facebook fan page, my suggestion is to make it active as much as possible and gather followers as many as you can. When the time comes that you have a business to promote then you can use your Facebook page for that purpose. Even if the niche is not related to your business, it’s just fine because it is your page so you hold the decision on what to post. Besides, you have to be polite when you post like asking the indulgence of your followers for your advertisement and at the same time, ask their help in spreading the news of your business.

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