
Can I make money writing articles?

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Can I make money writing articles?

So many people ask the question Can I Make Money Writing Articles?

And the answer is most definitely yes! If you have the ability to write quality articles then seriously the sky is the limit to what you can achieve.

If you just take a browse through this online marketplace you will see so many services listed for content writing.

There are services for blog commenting, forum comments, article writing, writing email newsletters and so much more.

If you can't make money writing why would there be so many services available for content writing?

And here's the trick, who do you think pays for all this content? Website owners right?

So how much do you think content writing is worth if people are paying anything from a few dollars for a short article to anywhere in the hundreds of dollars for long articles that are written for SEO?

The truth is that almost everything online is based on content, therefore the written word is really worth gold isn't it?

Take my mommy blog for example, I get paid by other people to write content on my own blog... depending on what I am offering I get paid anything from $260 to $450 to create content on my own website.

If you are considering starting your own blog or offering content writing services, yes there is a market for it.

And if you are a website owner that does not have the talent to write great articles then finding a quality content writer to write great articles for your website is an investment you will not regret!


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Hey Lynne, thank you for the great topic!

Let's just face it. Literally anyone can earn money online by providing articles. And I definitely mean anyone.

A foreign writer with pretty low English skills,
will be able to write and sell content for money just as a highly educated English teacher will be able to write articles too. - It's kind of amazing actually, but you'll obviously see two entirely different articles if you hired both of these writers to write something for you.

Truth to be told, and please article writers, don't hate me for this, but I definitely believe this is the reality we live in, and I also believe that this is why we see all these $5-$15 articles too. Due to the competition. Good article writers are forced to lower their prices to stand a chance against their competition that brings articles for bargain deals, and these "not so good" article writers lowers their prices even more, because they can afford it, due to the living expenses. - It's a numbers game and it's like that everywhere online, in any type of business.

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Oh yes Andre, I have to agree with you there! So many article writers are coming in with really cheap prices forcing everyone to drop their prices.

I believe that the value of article writing is huge. I can see it on my own websites. The power of written content online must not be under estimated.

For me, I will happily pay a much higher amount to a great content writer than pay much less but suffer for it because of the quality.

And content writers should be paid market related prices. If you are going to get a lot of traffic and in turn lots of sales when you have great content, you should pay what it is worth!

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I couldn't agree with you more Lynne. Thank you for stating this:
If you are going to get a lot of traffic and in turn lots of sales when you have great content, you should pay what it is worth!

Let's face it. 99% of all the people who's buying articles and content in general, is going to use it for their own benefit. They'll use it to make money out of it. Sure, they might not earn anything from that exact article you wrote for them for $10, but they will earn money long-term, due to all the $10 articles they've bought. And it actually doesn't matter if they're earning from your first article of if they start to earn after the third one you wrote them. - It's basically a dirt-cheap deal which will benefit them in the long run. Often years to come. - So content writers, start charging what your words are worth.

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Writing content can take a lot of time, especially for new business owners that aren't used with writing 2-3 articles per day or even one for that matter. So the best thing you can do is to pay someone else to do the boring work while you focus on the most important parts of your business and make it grow.

A professional content writer can create good content, SEO based without breaking a sweat, all you have to do is verify that content and publish it on your website.

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Yes very true, when I first starting writing for my website it took me forever to write a post. But with time and practice it gets easier and quicker.

A new website owner will benefit so much having a content writer in the beginning stages.

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You can of course make money by writing articles. But the main question is how to do it?
You write well does not mean you will be earning well.
You can write and publish on writing sites and earn revenue. In order to make money from such sites you need a big traffic.
You can also make money by publishing articles on your blog, but your blog needs to be monetized.
Best way to make money from articles is by writing for clients, however, the main question is where to find clients.

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One way to make money by writing is thru a blog. Whether you have your own blog or you become a guest blogger, you can surely earn if the blog is monetized by advertisements. I used to be a guest blogger and I’d say the token for one article is good enough to buy me a decent meal. Not bad eh? There’s also the article market where you can send your article depending on the category. You can earn about $15 to $15 per article depending on the length. However, there’s no guarantee that your submitted article can be bought soon. Do I need to mention paid forum posting? That’s my main line.

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Great topic. I think the writing articles through gigs on freelance writing sites, is a good start. Another thing is experimenting with the cost. That means we have to find out how much money and time we have to spend for proper article writing as a freelance or full time job. I have had my share of experiences where clients paid me very low amount and writing articles for them was more or less punishment.

I would say that writing articles can be good job if you get paid say like minimum 5$ for 1000 words article. That way you can cover a lot of genre and lot of clients can be served for that amount. I personally am finding out ways to handle this but clients are not good at that price.

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