
When You Decide To Start A Blog. - Where, How And What Theme To Go With?

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When You Decide To Start A Blog. - Where, How And What Theme To Go With?

Hey guys,
Recently I've been making various topics about blogging and even if I should start one.

You can find all of them here:

And even if I'm still having some issues with exactly what to write, I got encouragement and a few ideas from the very first topic so I'm more than thankful, and I look forward to more contributions by you in the other topics too! When You Decide To Start A Blog. - Where, How And What Theme To Go With?

That being said, I'll probably start a blog.. But there's a few things I'll need to think of, and a few things I'd need some help with too.

The first one would be. How? - I mean, I can get hosting, domain and whatever, but do people go with WordPress blogs or would you go with anything else?

Secondly, if I'd end up with a WP blog, then I would need a great WP theme. I don't want anything super awesome design-wise. Something rather simple and more "straight to the point" is what I want. - Do you have any ideas?

And the third and last thing, (for now), would be, if I start (when I start) a freelancing blog, then I'll probably refer to myself as "hitmeasap", as that's who I am. And if people would like to, they could find my real name and whatever using that. - The question is, after I've published the very first blog post or five or whatever, what do I do next?

- Do I share it on social medias or would a better approach be to share it with other freelancers on their blogs? (or a little bit of both?)

Best Regards,


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Nice to hear your decision about blogging. I would be really your fan to visit and read your blog posts regularly, i am sure it's going to be interesting When You Decide To Start A Blog. - Where, How And What Theme To Go With?

I would advice to go with WordPress. It's most used CMS for blogging with everything you need. Once you install it, from your administration panel you will be able to choose thousands of free themes to use on your blog. It's really easy with one click for installation and one click to activate your theme. If in any case you wish to go with some advanced or premium theme(s) you can always visit and choose some great design to buy at affordable price.

So, for sharing, i would go with both, share your posts with freelancers, on social media and everywhere else where it's appropriate.

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Thank you anwebservices. And thank you for being a fan before I even started! When You Decide To Start A Blog. - Where, How And What Theme To Go With? (You're actually fan number 2, as Mike already said in another topic that he'll make sure to follow my blog too When You Decide To Start A Blog. - Where, How And What Theme To Go With?)

That's pretty awesome, right? - 2 fans for a blog that I don't even created yet. When You Decide To Start A Blog. - Where, How And What Theme To Go With?

Anyhow, I appreciate your answer and I've decided to go with Wordpress. It sounds like it's the best option, or at least one of the best options, so I'll stick with Wordpress when I start. I'll just need a decent and clean-looking theme. But themeforest as you mentioned seems to be a good source for good themes. Thank you!

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Depends a lot of your blog's niche. If you are gong to talk about freelance issues than facebook, google plus and twitter are good places to promote your content on as far as social media goes. LinkedIn is also good!
If you don't want an over the top design and just want readability for your posts I suggest you go with a free hosting platform like Blogger, you actually have the possibility to have your own custom domain, it's not hard to set up, I can actually help you.

That way you will end up with free WordPress, user-friendly CMS, tons of themes and custom design features. Perfect for newbie bloggers.

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Thank you Cristian, I appreciate your help. I am indeed a newbie blogger as I've never really owned a blog before, at least not in the same sense as this one, or the one I'm aiming for that is. However, I just can't consider myself to be a noob. When You Decide To Start A Blog. - Where, How And What Theme To Go With? - I'm definitely a novice but a noob sounds like a 7 year old girl who's trying to make a living out of selling soda on the street... And that's not me! When You Decide To Start A Blog. - Where, How And What Theme To Go With?

That being said, I do appreciate your input and I find your answers valuable as always. When You Decide To Start A Blog. - Where, How And What Theme To Go With?

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Lovely topic Andre and I think the thing here is to choose a theme that is simply and light. It must be quick to load and mobile friendly.

Otherwise I know nothing about themes, but I know Abid is a specialist in this regard! He sorted out my blog and did an absolutely epic job on it. So if you need advice regarding themes he is your man.

Regarding whether to go with Wordpress or not, I do really suggest that you do. I have only ever used Wordpress so maybe my viewpoint is biased here, but from what I have heard Wordpress really is the best way to go.

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Thank you very much Lynne. I'll probably go with Wordpress. I have some minor experience with it and it seems to be a decent pick actually. It seems to be pretty easy to use and it also seems like thousands of people are using this. Anything from "newbie" bloggers as Cristian mentioned earlier, to veteran bloggers. And that's probably something worth using. So, with that said, the only thing I'll need to come up with is the theme I'll use further on, as I'll probably go with Wordpress for this.

Now I'll just have to try to focus on this, but due to other things in life, time is limited but not only that.. Life kind of sucks right now so it's hard to focus on these kind of things.. But I'll be back on track eventually.

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When you are planning to start a blog but cannot think of what to write, worse you have no idea what the niche would be then maybe it is not the right time for you to start a blog. We have a saying here that when making a decision, your heart should be sold out to the idea which means you will take the responsibility. And how could you be responsible for something that you don’t really know too well? My suggestion is to let the idea hatch in your head in the natural way which means it will take time.

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