
I really like the thought of having my own blog, but I can't think of what I should blog about.

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I really like the thought of having my own blog, but I can't think of what I should blog about.

Bloggers and website owners, this question goes for all of you!

I'm 31 years old. I live in Sweden and I've been freelancing full time for 5 years or so.. I've been writing some ebooks, I've sold social media services and my main business is brand building. Well, that's obviously just the short version of me. - What on earth am I supposed to write about if I create a blog?!

I don't want to become the "average" blogger, who shares different junk each day. We already have the largest public diary for those thing. Yeah, I said it. Facebook. I need something concrete. Something unique. Something good.

  • How do you come up with things for your blogs?
  • How do you think people come up with things for their blogs?

Best Regards,


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Oh man... You should be last person to ask this question I really like the thought of having my own blog, but I can You have so many ideas and i believe you can think of something any time. I was reading a lot of your posts here in community discussions and elsewhere, and you are good writer with good sense for it.
With your huge experience and knowledge of internet movements and ways to make money on internet, you could probably do that. Write blog posts, and sell some ebooks too with extended explanations. Would be nice to write some SEO services reviews. As Level X5 you are such good affiliate, so use your knowledge, connect reviews with your affiliate links etc...
I can't even imagine that you have no idea what to write about on your blog I really like the thought of having my own blog, but I can Just go for it. You not need to make 5 posts daily, whatever you do, it will be good amount in future...

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Yes exactly my thoughts here too Abid! Look at all the discussions he has been creating here and all the questions he has been asking! If he shares everything he learns on his blog he will be flying along.

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Thank you both anwebservices and Lynne, I appreciate your kind words. I really like the thought of having my own blog, but I can

I don't know, perhaps I'm just thinking too much about it all. I have a bad habit of doing that. Thinking ain't always good you know? - Anyhow, the biggest "issue" here, is probably the way to think. - This is the Community Discussion, and even though I share things from my personal experience or ask questions about certain things, I can still do this "freely" so to speak. When it comes to a blog, I'll have to stick to something, and that's probably why I spend all this time thinking instead of doing..

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Andre blogging is really an awesome way to make money online, I have been blogging full time for a year now and it is loads of fun! As you know I have three blogs. A mommy blog, a blog about my addiction and an online marketing blog.

I know that you have had some struggles with personal things and if you are happy to share those struggles I can promise you that people love that sort of thing. It is different and it is always unique... and the best thing is you won't have to do so much research because you speak from your own personal experience.

I have shared a few times how my addiction blog has just taken off really nicely this year.. without me even knowing! I mostly just write about my own experiences and it works so well.

Not only that but that blog helps other people and it is a therapeutic process for me. What more could I ask for?

You could also blog about being a freelancer, people love learning about ways to make money online and be creative and you certainly have great experience there and you come up with the most awesome ideas too. I love your ideas and when you share them I take you up on them and they work for me!

Otherwise just think about whatever else you are passionate about or have a special interest in and go with that. You know you can chat to me any time if you have any more questions.

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Thank you for your answer Lynne. I was literally just waiting for a reply from you, as I do know you're somewhat an expert on this subject. I really like the thought of having my own blog, but I can

Well, I probably have a few things I could potentially share, about my personal life and so on, but I can't really think of a way of sharing these things in "parts" so to speak. I can't imagine how I would be able to share these things without giving away literally everything about it, in one go so to speak.

Do you think one could use it like a "diary", where you literally share "one day after another", sort of. Things you've done in the past, and not what you do nowadays I mean. I hate these "oh, I did this and that today!" - That's not me.

Do you think it would also be possible to use a pen name for something like this, or would it be better to use your real name? - I don't really mind sharing things from my life but I can see why some people might find it disturbing, so a pen name could be a solution.

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Andre yes of course you can use a pen name and this can be a brilliant way of doing things! I know a fellow addict that is in recovery now and she blogs using the name Girl In Therapy. The thing is that when you are sharing really personal things you want the freedom to be able to say it exactly like it is. Not just for yourself but also for the people around you!

Even though I share "quite openly" on my blog about my addiction, there are still quite a few skeletons in the closet that I won't be able to let out simply because I have a mother, a father, sisters, children and a husband. I need to keep in mind how these things will affect them.

And a daily diary... OMG how that would be sharing my day every day LOL. No, I only share things in my life when there is something really worth sharing with the world.

Andre I wouldn't worry about giving it all away in one go I really like the thought of having my own blog, but I can There is no way you can share everything in one blog post, but you would want to share one specific thing or topic at a time, so it is keyword specific.

And I don't feel like an expert on this lol.

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I actually started blogging about gaming around 6 months ago but haven't had time to do a lot on that website. You could say that I'm neglecting it a bit I really like the thought of having my own blog, but I can But I thought of a pretty sweet way to bring in traffic and keep them there I really like the thought of having my own blog, but I can I do post there every once in a while, and I want to hire a writer to do posts daily for me, but that's just not enough to compete against the big sites out there.

What I plan on doing is buying a plugin that is super complex and will allow me to set up something that pulls videos from YouTube and publish them to my own blog I really like the thought of having my own blog, but I can It can copy the titles and descriptions then post it in whatever category I wish it to. This is similar to auto blogging but with videos I really like the thought of having my own blog, but I can I plan on going in and editing the titles and descriptions slightly so that they are unique and I can get a search engine boost. The only downside is that the initial work will take a lot of time because I plan on pulling videos based on keywords. This would mean I set up the plugin to scrape YouTube based on whatever search term I want it to, then it will take those videos and publish them under whatever category I want. After that I will go in and edit the content that was pulled with the video, which will be a few thousand videos right away. It's a good and bad thing at the same time lol I really like the thought of having my own blog, but I can I'll have thousands of embedded videos on my website but I'll have to edit each one in order to pull in traffic from the search engines a bit easier I really like the thought of having my own blog, but I can Even though it's the same video, I can get ranked for the same keywords and many more with simple little tweaks I really like the thought of having my own blog, but I can

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Blog about something that always has fresh ideas. You want to write about something thats always changing so you never run out of things to write about. I find that personal experiences are the best because you always have new ones and they always change. I also think things like crypto currency are always good to write about. Digital currency is growing fast and maybe people are searching for them online. It would be neat to write about crypto currency and then get paid for the traffic you generate. I would say it is not hard at all to keep up with these types of events. I buy sell trade crypto currency on a daily basis and i find it easy to make topics about it. I think the most important thing you do is make sure you write about something that doesn't run out easy. You don't want to always be wasting a bunch of time thinking of things to write about.

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First i want to say that you need to decide first what you want ? Are you doing blogging for money or you have passionate about blogging and write some fruitful content for your readers. There is very high difference between bloggers those who do blogging for money and the ones who do blogging for readers.

Yes ofcourse we all need money but keep in mind that making money just to fool readers will indirectly hurt the blog reputation. Now as you said you don't want to be "average blogger / junk content" thats awesome thinking but for that you need to focus only on content. There many blogging site but the few of them provide some good content. Blogging market is huge mainly because of higher growth of Affiliate sales, Paid Post, Paid Ads, Courses and even seminars. I met few people those are just 2 years in blogging field now organizing seminar and teaching other people about blogging stuff and all. Earlier bloggers can depends only from one revenue platform i.e. from Ads network (Google Adsense). But now the market is huge for bloggers as technology changes every day, new gadgets launching every week, software vice versa. But this are only the media part now if we talk about teaching part thats also increasing every day by day. Now bloggers talk about snap chat and how to make money from it, whatsapp marketing, seo stuff and all. But growing of any blog needs patience and you need keep on working it like we do every day teeth brush, lunch , sleep. Similarly you need to treat your blog like that only...

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Andre, you are more than ready for a blog, trust me! If you managed to write entire ebooks you'll do well with blogs! You only need to learn about CMSs and some basic SEO with UIX and you are good to go!

High-quality content shouldn't be a problem, I've seen your content is good, better than most people / bloggers out there.
Also, you need to put a lot of passion into a blog if you want to be successful, I'm not seeing any lack of passion and vision in your ebooks, so again, you'll do fine!

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Thank you very much Cristian, and thank you all for all these great and wonderful replies, I truly appreciate it! I really like the thought of having my own blog, but I can

I definitely write ebooks and I enjoy doing that, but even though Lynne said that I could basically see the blog posts as a chapter in my ebooks, I still have a hard time thinking like that, or to see myself be able to publish rather short blog posts, that still are interested enough to generate traffic. Especially enough traffic to actually make some money.

Anyhow, I appreciate all your kind words. Thank you all!

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First of all make a list of your expertise, your skills, your knowledge. What do you know most, what you love doing? This will give you the basic idea. Once you have idea for your blog, do a research. Is your niche heavily saturated or there are not good contents on your niche. In case your niche is saturated, consider another option. If there are few contents on your niche, start working on it.

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I am an average person like you and I also have a plan to have my own blog. It’s just that I don’t have the time for that so my plan is hanging in the air for a long time already. My suggestion for a blog is a niche that you love that will embody your passion and will be an outlet for your creativity. To give you an idea, my niche is pets and when I write an article about my pets, it’s just like having an enjoyable conversation. If you blog about your passion then the money takes second priority.

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I am an average person whit average skills, average knowledge and average experience. That's how most of us are. We are not special therefore we live an average life. However, this does not mean we cannot get started with blogging. Blogging needs a couple of skills such as
website management
search engine optimization
social media marketing
If you have these skills, you can become successful with blogging.

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