
Anyone Selling On Amazon? - Can You Actually RANK Your Product?

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Anyone Selling On Amazon? - Can You Actually RANK Your Product?

Freelancers, authors and content creators..
I have never really used Amazon previously, as I've been selling my ebooks using other options. However, I just now, a few seconds ago, stumbled upon something interesting.

One person talked about Amazon and how easy it would be to sell ebooks. This next guy said something like: "No. It's not that easy at all."

And yeah, that didn't bring much attention, but what this second guy named after this was interesting. At least it was for me.

He said this: "the hardest part is to optimize everything in your ebook (your title, description, getting verified reviews etc) so that you end up on the first page of amazon for your keyword."

That being said, I can totally understand the part of getting verified reviews and whatever.. But optimize your title and description so you end up on the first page of Amazon for your keyword..? - That was odd and interesting in the same time.

Do anyone you have some experience about this? - I would love to hear some input on this!

Best Regards,


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I sort of sell on amazon, but not the way you're thinking of.

I'm on amazon merch which means I don't have any of my own items stored away in a warehouse or in an amazon warehouse for distribution. I just upload designs and wait for them to sell to people who stumble upon them lol.

I do know a few people who source items from over seas and sell them on amazon. Sometimes they turn a pretty good profit and other times they waste a good amount of money trying to strike it rich lol.

You can definitely optimize each of your listings so you show up better in the internal search results of amazon. If you know basic search engine optimization for Google, Yahoo! and Bing then you can easily optimize your listing on Amazon.

Getting your initial reviews is super tough, but there are services out there that are designed to help you with just this. You can go to and set up something where you basically sell an item to someone, at cost or a steep discount, and after they receive the item they will give you a positive review. I'm not 100% sure on how the process works and how they are able to leave you a positive review on amazon, but I do know a few people who use it and they rarely get negative reviews.

If you're going to sell on amazon and have a good amount of product, I would suggest doing FBA (fulfilled by amazon). This basically means you will ship your products to an amazon warehouse where they will then ship it out whenever you get a sale. You pay a small fee on each item shipped out and also a small fee to house the items, but this covers all the shipping costs and handling of your items. It's a pretty simple thing to pay for and still turn a profit Anyone Selling On Amazon? - Can You Actually RANK Your Product?

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Hey Razzy and thanks for the clarification.
You can definitely optimize each of your listings so you show up better in the internal search results of amazon. If you know basic search engine optimization for Google, Yahoo! and Bing then you can easily optimize your listing on Amazon.

So what I've heard is actually accurate then?! - You can literally optimize your listing and rank your keywords for it, so you'll end up higher or even on the first page of Amazon? - That was totally mind-blowing. I had no idea.

Wouldn't that be an awesome service for someone to sell? - I bet hundreds of people would be interested in something like that. I know I would!

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Ooh interesting topic Andre. I believe you can get your product ranked on Amazon but it would take some time and there are many factors that go into it.

Sales and reviews would certainly help you with this. I believe any market place has an internet ranking system that will place your higher as you sell more and get good feedback right?

Obviously the simple things would count like adding a good title and description for your products. The difficulty would be that there is a load of competition. I mean how do you rank for something like a Tshirt? There must be thousands of Tshirts on Amazon all competing for that sweet spot?

If you have a more unique product that I would think that would be much easier to rank.

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