
Google Cardboard - Virtual Reality Review

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Google Cardboard - Virtual Reality Review

Today I finally got my Google cardboard headset! Google sent me this free of charge just because I've managed to complete my Google Adwords - Mobile Advertising from Google Partners.

Anyways here are some pictures:

Google Cardboard - Virtual Reality ReviewGoogle Cardboard - Virtual Reality Review

The design and materials used are pretty basic, just some quality cardboard and some glass scopes. But man oh man these things really give you an opportunity on experiencing the VR world!
It works best with a high-end mobile phone, something that has a full HD resolution or greater. My phone has 4k capabilities and I can definitely notice the improvements between resolutions.

I've tried more than 10 apps until now, some better than others but I totally think this is the future of entertainment! I actually experienced motion sickness from one of the games I've played (VR X-Racer).

If you have the opportunity to buy a VR set, do it! Just for the heck of it, even the cheap ones are a great experience, I personally was blown away. You won't find a lot of apps just yet, but there are a lot of VR/360 high quality videos out there, even on YouTube!


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This seems like so much fun, and I am hoping that if I completed all the courses that I, too, can get my VR google cardboard headset. I have only experience virtual reality in a video, that was intended for the use of virtual reality headsets but it still looked cool on just a regular screen. I could only imagine what it would be like with the virtual reality headsets.. goodness!

I think that if they hit the market, and were able to be used while watching TV (I do not know how capable they are yet, maybe they already are and i do not know?) then I would definitely buy a pair for an improved experience.

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Oh yes, these look very similar to the ones I got from the Spur Steak Ranches recently when they asked me to do a Youtube video of my kids using them! That was one of the most fun jobs I've ever had. I got paid really nicely to do that.

We got 3 pairs of cardboard VR goggles.. but ours are more cool, they have little Spur indians on them.

Ok I guess for an adult though having Google ones is much cooler right?

Anyway I really enjoyed our VR goggles too, it was a novelty for us and my kids really enjoyed it.

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I want VR goggles too. I just HAVE to get myself a pair of these. It looks SO awesome!

Just take a look at this!

This is hilarious! - She's looking like a crazy person when she's trying these! Google Cardboard - Virtual Reality Review

Just imagine playing a game like Overwatch, Assassin's Creed or perhaps even World of Warcraft using a pair of these in the future. - That must be DOPE! - All that being said though, I don't like the motion sickness thing at all, and I can totally see why people would get sick by using these goggles. - It must be a real pain for the eyes and the brain in some way..

I won't get any VR goggles until they've solved that mystery. Until they do, I'll enjoy watching other people who's using them Google Cardboard - Virtual Reality Review

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I don't think we are there yet Andre like playing current popular games on VR, though playing a VR MMORPG 10 years from now will probably feel like real life, second life or something to that degree, I can't imagine how addictive future games would be.

Anyways, you published video is hilarious that lady is totally freaked out by everything that is happening. I think those are Samsung VR glasses, those are pretty incredible compared with my Google cardboard which is basically the most simple and cheap VR gear you can find.

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Yeah I know Cristian. We aren't there yet, but we'll get there. Eventually. Google Cardboard - Virtual Reality Review

It's kind of freaking me out a little bit actually. To see all these incredible changes, and all these new, modern technology things. - First of all, it makes me feel old somehow, lol. But I mean, I played NES. Nintendo. During the 90's. - And now we got VR googles?! - It's incredible and fascinating, but it's scary too.

At least that's what I think.. But I'll definitely get a pair of these cool googles sooner or later. The motion sickness thing has to go first though. I don't want to puke on the carpet because I'm playing a game. Google Cardboard - Virtual Reality Review

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I saw my brother's Google cardboard headset last week actually, and even though the material is not anywhere near luxury, it was indeed a nice idea for those who want to give VR a try. I bought a cheap VR headset a couple of months ago and I was also impressed with the experience. Hopefully sometime i will be able to invest in an Oculus Rift or HTC vive, but for now they are a bit expensive. Having said that I strongly believe that we are going to experience wonders in this field, and I am looking forward to it!

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