
Do you ever get nervous when you're write an article for an article writer?

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Do you ever get nervous when you're write an article for an article writer?

Freelancers, authors and content writers I have a simple yet important question for you.

Do you ever get nervous when you're writing content, article or not, to an article or content writer?

We all know it, bloggers and article writers often hire other writers to write articles for them. Often due to the lack of time or that they're literally exhausted due to all the content they've been producing.

But to you think the hired writers get nervous when they're hired to writer for article or content writers?

For instance, a social media provider wouldn't be nervous even if they delivered social media services to another provider of such services, as these things are more or less the same quality etc. However, articles can be written in hundreds of different ways and all of them are unique and will be written differently depending on the writer.

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I do not think I have experienced this before, however I have experienced writing PHP code for a PHP developer. That was nerve wracking, and I kept thinking about how they would negatively criticize me for my code. But in the end, they never said anything negative, and apparently my code was "beautiful". I think they said that because the code was neat, and easily readable unlike some programmers who put code everywhere and it's an utter mess!

No matter how many times I code something for someone I always get nervous, thinking that I am inferior or something, and it should not be like that. I think we all go through this type of situation, and i think we should sit back, breathe, and work!

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Everett I do think that a bit of nerves is totally normal. I often feel like I am out of my depth and not as good as other people.

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If you do the best you can than you should be fine, or I assume you would be. Do you ever get nervous when you

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Well Everett, you have a good point and I agree with you! - I don't sell articles or content in that sense, but I'm always kind of nervous whenever I'm writing for other people. I'm not native in English, so that's one of the reasons. But that's not all.. I could bring my A game, and the client could hate the article too, no matter how many spelling mistakes there is.

Like one time, I hired a copywriter to rewrite one of my previous ebooks. I couldn't just stand the thought of him reading everything and make all the necessary changes, so I had to hire another guy first, to make sure that there wasn't too many errors in my text. - After that guy had done the work, I hired the copywriter to rewrite everything..

A huge loss, in terms of money, as I actually hired 2 different people.. But yeah.. Do you ever get nervous when you

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Well I get nervous yes, I don't really have content writing services as such but I did have someone here request a content writing service from me and I got nervous for that. I also do paid product and business reviews on my mommy blog. I always get nervous when I write those.

I guess the thing is that sharing something socially can't exactly be wrong. You share the link and it is done right? But with content writing services you can do your best and for some reason the client might just not be happy about it.

For me it is really important that my customers are very happy with the job I have done. It is not fine for them to be just satisfied, I want them to be ecstatic about the job done. This is hard to know what they are going to think.

The other thing is that I think your personality comes across in your writing, so perhaps self consciousness comes in, that it is not just your writing, but you that the client may not like?

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When i used to write for another writer, who basically earned money from what i wrote, i was very much aware of the need to do a really good job as otherwise he will find someone else and i would end up losing money. At the time i was still starting off as a writer and so i needed to build up more experience and establish reputation for myself. So, yes it is normal to feel keen and somewhat nervous, just like when thee is an editor who will be reviewing your work.

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Oohhh so you will try harder for the order I placed last? LOL

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Thank you very much EliteWriter, I appreciate your answer. Judging from your reply, you're talking about how it was when you first started out, or at least in the beginning of your writing career so to speak. How about nowadays? - Do you still get the same feelings if you have a client you know will use your content to make money?

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Think of my experience when I was offered the position of co-blogger simply because I have the reputation of being a dog lover. The niche is pets and I fit in perfectly. However, the blogger didn’t know of my writing capability. But I instantly agreed and pounded the keyboard with my first article. Suffice it to say that my first article was published although there were many reviews and editing. Maybe my excitement in writing had foreshadowed the tension. But looking back, I have to agree that I was nervous, of course.

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