
Stick to a specific niche if you're an affiliate marketer.

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Stick to a specific niche if you're an affiliate marketer.

Seriously, aren't you tired of all these emails you get each day?

- I get a handful of emails each day and I often get emails during the whole week from the same person.. But, he's promoting another product each time.

That just doesn't work for me.

Even though I know he's promoting other people's services or products, I would still prefer to get emails about products in a certain niche or two. Not just blatantly sending me emails about whatever products he can find. It's annoying.

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i think he is only trying to make huge amount of commission as his cash within some short period of time and its obvious that he may be doing it wrongly by diving into different niche and sending 2 emails per day,..hmmmmm,..very annoying most times. well, the sooner he realize how wrong he is, the better before he loses all his subscribers.

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I totally agree with you chetaseo! - I don't mind getting a few emails per week and everything was great for the first couple of months.. Later on this insane thing happened and I can't stand it. - He must have hit his head or something. Probably cracked his skull entirely. - I can't see why ANYONE would ruin their whole list, their reputation and their business by doing foolish things like this.. I hope he's okay, and that he realized what he was doing.. Otherwise, I can't see how or why he would be able to work online in the future.

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I absolutely hate marketing emails. I do not want to be marketed to when I open my email inbox. I do not mass send marketing emails to anyone so why should they be allowed to do it to me. The most interesting fact about of all this, is that I do not even subscribe to the marketing emails I get! I believe if you signup for a website, or certain websites they will sell your information to a third party company, and usually it's marketing email spam.

I even try to unsubscribe from the emails but they keep coming back, and it appears that once I try to unsubscribe I get double the amount of emails after than before I attempted to unsubscribe. I think they realize that the email account is active, and spam me to hell, and don't even care to acknowledge my opt out request! Very annoying indeed!

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I believe sticking to one niche will make you an expert in the said niche, so yeah, stick to one domain and you will have a lot more benefits in the long term. I've learned this the hard way in life, I always branched out to learn as more things as possible but to also practice as many things as possible, the tragedy is that I become an expert in none of them, took my a while to realize that all I needed to do is focus on one domain.

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