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So recently I tried out FaceBook advertising for my websites and while I have been using FaceBook for a long time, this was my first time advertising there. At first, I decided to pay a small amount of money to test it out and used £10 for 2 days advertising (£5 per day limit) and put automatic bid on. For those of you who never used FaceBook advertising, this means, Facebook chooses your CPC that provides the optimal results for your ads. I got 17 clicks for £10 and it came out to be £0.58 per click which I thought was quite expensive. I then decided to try it again with manual bid and put in a CPC bid of £0.2. I have been running this for a few days now and I thought that I still get around the same impressions but a much lower CTR. I have only around 10 clicks over two days.
My question is, which one would you recommend and why? Manual bid allows you to keep your costs low but may not be as effective as automatic bid.
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And I've been using Facebook advertising for 5 years and quite a lot lol. I have found that my cost per click or conversion is quite low and very good value for money, so yeah I'll vote for automatic bid here LOL.
But now that you have made me aware of that I am quite keen to try out the manual bid, thanks for bringing that option to my attention! Oh wow, MasterA I've always used automatic bid and I wasn't even aware that I could set a manual bid. *slaps forehead* And I've been using Facebook advertising for 5 years and quite a lot lol. I have found that my cost per click or conversion is quite low and very good value for money, so yeah I'll vote for automatic bid here LOL. But now that you have made me aware of that I am quite keen to try out the manual bid, thanks for bringing that option to my attention!
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