
Would this be duplicate content?

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Would this be duplicate content?

Duplicate content is bad for SEO and bad in general. Which would be why there's hundreds of article spinners out there for instance. And even though I don't use article spinners myself, as I find it both useless and boring, I can still see why some people are using spinners. That being said, what is duplicate content then?

Most of us already knows that duplicate content are an exact copy of content shared elsewhere, or that you've published the exact same article twice on your website etc.

But is that really all to it?
How about using duplicate titles or sentences? - Would that have a negative impact on my site?

Why duplicate content is bad for you.
How duplicate content will hurt you.
How duplicate content can hurt you.
How would duplicate content hurt you?
Is duplicate content bad for you in more ways than one?
Is duplicate content bad for you?
Why is duplicate content bad for you?

As you can see within the quotes, all of these sentences are unique, even though most of them are using the same words. - Would something like that be considered being duplicate content too in general? - What's the main thing that decides if something really is duplicate or not? - And more importantly, is something duplicate when it's copied in full?

Best Regards,


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I also write all my articles from scratch myself, ok I get a content writer here to also write some articles for me too also from scratch.... so I don't have duplicate content.

Using different words and sentence structure is important. The only thing that is repeated in those cases are the words duplicate content and what you are doing now is creating LSI keywords which are Latent Semantic Keywords. They are all interrelated keywords so no it would not be duplicate content and you are making sure you rank for variations of your main keyword.

That's how I understand it anyway.

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Thank you Lynne! - I wasn't aware of LSI keywords. I'll have to look into that a bit further on. Latent Semantic Keywords.. Geez, all these names and abbreviations to remember! - As a true novice, this is literally overwhelming at times. - Perhaps most of the times to be honest.

Anyhow, I'll try to remember that in the nearest future and I hope I'll have use for it too some day Would this be duplicate content?

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I dont use article spinner as i prefer to write my blog articles myself. as for those quotes you stated. the uniqueness of a statement or article is mainly measured in percentage so if the uniqueness of each of those statements or article is about 70-80%, then we cannot see that it is duplicate. but note that article spinners are also good in some way if they can reproduce an article from an existing one and make the uniqueness to be 70% and above which to me is good enough, then, we cannot see that the article is duplicate and surely it will pass google test algorithm. that is why article spinners still exist and people patronize them because of thier ability to re-create articles of 80% uniqueness.

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I would say that it is easy to fall in the trap of writing duplicate content, simply because certain keywords will need to be included, and as you stated, there are different ways to reword the same question. As long as it is not exactly the same, as in you copied and pasted it, I do not consider it to be duplicate content. It is a rehashing of what is being asked, and the term duplicate content, which is a keyphrase in that case, had to be included to get the message across.

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Let's face it when writing any professional article, pretty much everyone does research and after that research they actually end up spinning in their head the content their already read putting everything from multiple sources into a much better package while adding their own experience or thoughts in the mix, resulting in one unique article, that's the way I like doing things.

Also, what Mike said about "Keyword Cannibalism" - of course of you have a blog and you publish 10 articles saying the same thing in a different way even if the pass the plagiarism test none of them will rank and I'm 100% none will bring any significant traffic.

On the other hand, we have communities forum type posts like this one here, I'm pretty sure Google applies different ranking signals for such a huge community where similar topics are bound to appear and a lot of keywords will get repeated even though subjects will be different, but this is another story.

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I am not good with titles and sometimes I can fall into that trap but not intentionally. With the example of a "duplicate title" the first thing that comes to my mind is "duplicate title is not good" although I'm sure I will change it before I finish writing the article. And the most probable change would be "the bad effect of a duplicate title." As you can see, it's practically the same. But for writers who have a wide range of vocabulary, they can re-create that title in a much better way.

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As I understand it, duplicate content is based on a percentage of the overall content. So, a duplicate title is not enough, nor is a few quotes. The general recommendation that I have heard is 20 percent. Ths give you the ability to write an article that quotes experts or others, without being penalized.

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