
What is Keyword Stuffing in reality? And what is too much?

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What is Keyword Stuffing in reality? And what is too much?

SEO Experts!
Recently I've been asking questions regarding SEO. I'm a true novice and I'm not afraid to admit it. I do have some sort of knowledge but when I finally came to the conclusion that it might actually be worth learning some SEO, then I decided to start over from scratch. - I believe it's the best approach as I've got plenty of experts here in the Community Discussion to help me out!

That being said, Keyword stuffing.
If you look at wikipedia this is stated:

Keyword stuffing is a search engine optimization (SEO) technique, in which a web page is loaded with keywords in the meta tags or in content of a web page. Keyword stuffing may lead to a website being banned or penalized in search ranking on major search engines either temporarily or permanently.

For me, it sure sounds like I shouldn't be using the same keyword multiple times in my titles or in my content.. But how many are in reality too much?

Just take a look at my previous ebook for instance. I probably mentioned the actual name of the book like 50 times. "FiverrClerks". So that would be a keyword, but would that hurt my ranking, in case I published the entire book on my website?

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Andre if you are writing naturally and not being concerned with keywords then I believe you will do just fine. Your content is long and you don't say ebook in every single sentence. It is more about the ratio of your keywords to all the other content that is important here.

If you have a 500 word post and your keyword features 30 times you are going to have a problem, but if you write a 10 000 word post and you mention your keyword 30 times then you are fine.

Honestly I think keyword stuffing is when you are purposely trying to stuff your keyword in all the time to the point that it is unnatural.

You can use your keyword multiple times in your content, but try also to focus not just one a one word keyword, focus on short and long tail keywords and change it up a little.

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Thank you very much for your answer Lynne. It's truly helpful and I'm grateful for all the help I can get! What is Keyword Stuffing in reality? And what is too much?

So basically, I could mention it 30 times in a 10,000 word post, but it would be better to reword the keywords, or to rephrase the sentences a bit, so I could potentially increase the rankings for those keywords too.. Or am I off the grid here? What is Keyword Stuffing in reality? And what is too much?

As that would be SLI? - In case I understood you properly in another discussion. What is Keyword Stuffing in reality? And what is too much?

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According to several discussions in this site, there is a certain amount of keywords for the density of your content to something like 2% to 5%. But my take on keywords on the content is to write naturally and think of your readers and not the SEO. I don’t think you will exceed the moderate amount of keywords in the content because good writing means you are not redundant with the terms that you use.

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