
Are stock photos allowed to be sold in Seocheckout?

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Are stock photos allowed to be sold in Seocheckout?

i wonder if stock photos with resell rights allowed to sell it in Seocheckout anyone can confirm that is legal here,


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Hello sanfora,
As long as you have Resell Rights and you can prove that you are allowed to sell them I can't see any problems.

I believe it would be like how it is with ebooks.
You agree that this eBook is owned by you or that you have resell rights. All eBooks will be reviewed before published and any illegally listed books will result in the banning of your account.

Resell Rights gives you the right to sell the product, service or item you have rights for, so I can't see why this would be a problem.

Best Regards,

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Hi Sanfora,I actually just asked about where I could sell photos and if I can make money doing that, these are for photos I want to take myself.

Mike suggested PixelClerks, which is also an Ionicware website, as a good place to sell photos since it is more focused on images and design. I can't see why you can't also sell on seocheckout.

Like Andre said you need to have the rights to sell the photos of course.

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