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Dear SEO experts.
I have slim to none experience in SEO and I'm curious to know if Social Bookmarks are considered to be SEO or if this is something SEO experts usually provide as it "relates" somehow to their SEO business?
I've heard many different things and I've seen hundreds of different discussions regarding this but I've never actually got a decent answer for it. Most people claims it to be something SEO experts provides "as a bonus" of sorts, within their SEO services and others seems to be ?convinced that Social Bookmarks has nothing at all to do with SEO.
Best Regards,
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Take Reddit for example, a huge source of traffic potential, if you do it right and have a good niche you can go even viral! Just be careful when promoting yourself on communities like Reddit, because there is a chance of all of this to backfire, I think I'll make a post about Reddit next week, stay tune. Social Bookmarks backlinks can still help increasing your authority even though it doesn't hold the weight it once did. In any case, if you are creative enough and you do it right your website can benefit a lot from Social Bookmarks. Take Reddit for example, a huge source of traffic potential, if you do it right and have a good niche you can go even viral! Just be careful when promoting yourself on communities like Reddit, because there is a chance of all of this to backfire, I think I'll make a post about Reddit next week, stay tune.
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