
Real meaning of other Seocheckout clone sites

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Real meaning of other Seocheckout clone sites

I have noticed that apart from seocheckout, Other sites similar to it like wordclerks, pixelclerks, lisitngdock, codeclerks etc have bee created as well. even one of our service gig that i just created was added to one of such sites by the admin staff.
Please i want to know the REAL Motives behind all these for i am somehow confused as to what the Seocheckout is up to.


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Setting up multiple platforms that target specific services is one of the best ways to attack dozens of keywords that you couldn't really go after in a competitive sense with just one platform.

By making multiple platforms like this you can have your homepages targeting the specific keywords and pulling in traffic to the actual homepage and not a subpage where people may be confused and click away. When people go to Seocheckout they instantly know it's about SEO, same with pixelclerks being for graphics and design, codeclerks being for people to sell code, wordclerks for selling content, and so on.

This way you can set up a diverse marketing campaign and funnel in traffic from all over the search engines.

An additional thing that would tie everything together for optimum results would to be to link to all of the websites just under the top navigation bar. Ionicware could add small logos of each of its platforms and link to them directly. By doing this you will optimize your click throughs and internal advertising. I know that all these websites are linked in the footer, but would you buy an ad in the footer of a website? Nope! the reason for that is because not many people will scroll down to see what is in the footer. 95% of the time the person scrolling through the site will find something they like and click to a subpage. I'm sure there are plenty of big members here on Seocheckout that have never seen the footer lmao Real meaning of other Seocheckout clone sites

Setting up these sister sites to Seocheckout is a way to expand your platform exponentially. People will come in to WordClerks who may have never heard of seocheckout, PixelClerks, CodeClerks, etc. but now they will because of the multiple platform interlinking Real meaning of other Seocheckout clone sites

To put it in a very basic response.... Ionicware is targeting more keywords to bring in traffic so everyone can make more money.

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Well Mike explained that all perfectly. I love the idea of having different websites each specializing in their things. I am sure that over time each website is going to get as busy and exciting as Seocheckout is now. I am loving ListingDock myself and I have added my eBook for sale there and it is doing well. I am making sales. Even though it doesn't quite fit with Seocheckout I listed it here but I haven't made any sales as yet here.

I think specializing into each category will result in more targeted traffic and more sales for everyone which means that everyone wins!

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All the previous answers in this topic have already covered everything. They've answered what the "real motives" are to create multiple sites and in-depth details about the specific marketplaces have also been shared. That being said, how cool is it, that you create a service on Seocheckout and suddenly, out of nowhere, you make a sale on ListingDock which you've never really bothered with before? - Due to the interlinking, you'll be able to use all the marketplaces simultaneously, which basically will increase your chances of getting sales and making more money. Without doing anything besides what you've done until now in terms of advertising etc. - It's awesome!

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I learnt about the latest additions a few days ago as before I was aware of ListingDock and SuperiorThan. I was mainly interested in WordClerks of course as i am a writer, and I was thrilled to see that this was going to be just for writing services. I hope in time it will become more and more popular. I think it is a really good idea to have these specialised sites as they focus on specific services and are more likely to attract specific sellers and interested buyers in their respective categories. In time this is going to be cool, as I am sure we will see the grow.

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Yes i think this was a nice topic to give people an understanding of why these other sites exist. Most of these websites are actually not new at all, and they have been around a long time. Like Mike explained each site has its own specific purpose but the over all goal is to bring more clients to Ionicware. Our team here works around the clock to try and make the sites better and to bring more clients here for the sellers to make more money. Sellers can use these sites to focus on the strengths that they have without getting buried on Seocheckout amongst many other types of services. I am very glad that we where able to help you answer the question you had. Thanks for posting this and Have Nice Day.

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This was a good question. Although when I clicked through, I had something else in mind. I found the related discussion. I wanted to know more about the "mirror sites" (that's what I call them). Sites like seolads and seocheckout.

That was addressed in this discussion if anybody is interested.
How to make a replica website as like seocheckout?

I was wondering if it was smart for me to do that with my affiliate marketing websites and blogs so that I can earn more commissions from sales? Any opinions, thoughts, etc.?

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