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Ok so I have listed my eBook for sale here, on ListingDock and on Wordclerks.
So far I think I am doing well with sales. I have sold 6 copies on ListingDock.
I am leaving ListingDock as the link to buy from in my website blog post about my eBook but I would love to try and increase my sales and reach even further.
I think Amazon I have to have my eBook listed as a Kindle Book, so I would then have to convert my pdf to a Kindle Book right?
Has anyone here sold eBooks on Amazon before and can you recommend any other places that would be worth my while listing my eBook?
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If you sell a few ebooks a month, your rating will increase and your ebook will actually begin to sell even more. Their algorithm prioritizes popular items within their specific niches and will show them more within the search results. I have a few shirts on amazon merch that sell a lot more simply because they made a couple sales and now show up more often in the search results
If your ebook is in a niche that is competitive then it will take a little more time to start getting the sales wave coming in through amazon because a ton of other ebooks are getting sold daily. You can optimize your listing by using keywords in your titles and descriptions, and you can keyword stuff the hell out of them if you'd like lol. It takes time but it's worth it if you put in the time.
Ebay as you know is another huge platform to sell stuff on. I'm not 100% sure on the methods to sell on there because I don't have anything listed over there. But I have heard people raking in a good amount of money with ebooks over there because they can list and forget
You can also set up a website that is dedicated to selling your ebook and then set up a PPC campaign on adwords.gogle.com and bingads.microsoft.com to pull in some sales. That's way to make a sale, but it does take a small investment on your end. Amazon and Ebay would be great places to get some sales. For the kindle you would definitely have to convert it to the format that is accepted for their device, but I'm not 100% sure what that is. I'm sure with a simple Google search you could figure that out pretty quick :) If you sell a few ebooks a month, your rating will increase and your ebook will actually begin to sell even more. Their algorithm prioritizes popular items within their specific niches and will show them more within the search results. I have a few shirts on amazon merch that sell a lot more simply because they made a couple sales and now show up more often in the search results :D You could even pay people to buy the ebook from you so that you can get those initial few sales under your belt. This way you're almost guaranteed a higher listing in the search results. I would do that with all of my shirts on amazon merch but I simply have too many designs on there and I would go broke lol. If your ebook is in a niche that is competitive then it will take a little more time to start getting the sales wave coming in through amazon because a ton of other ebooks are getting sold daily. You can optimize your listing by using keywords in your titles and descriptions, and you can keyword stuff the hell out of them if you'd like lol. It takes time but it's worth it if you put in the time. Ebay as you know is another huge platform to sell stuff on. I'm not 100% sure on the methods to sell on there because I don't have anything listed over there. But I have heard people raking in a good amount of money with ebooks over there because they can list and forget :D You can also set up a website that is dedicated to selling your ebook and then set up a PPC campaign on adwords.gogle.com and bingads.microsoft.com to pull in some sales. That's way to make a sale, but it does take a small investment on your end.
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