
Does adding ''GUARANTEE'' in service service settings grants more sales?

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Does adding ''GUARANTEE'' in service service settings grants more sales?

Does adding ''guarantee'' when setting up or creating a service work in getting buyers more than others?. infact to be sincere, so buyers really check out for this guarantee of a thing when they want to order from a seller?
Also when a potential buyer is glancing through a service description, contemplating whether to buy the service or not, No notice of guarantee is stated in the description.
So most times i wonder if buyers are aware that even ''guarantee'' exists in the first place
In my opinion, i dont really think it is all that important; positive feedback is what i will look for if i were a buyer. but i wish to hear what you think about this?


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The guarantee is, as the term itself implies, offering the buyer a guarantee that he can feel a bit safer when buying that service. So offering a guarantee is going to help buyers get a sense of trust in a seller, as the seller must be sure of what he is offering if he is willing to offer a guarantee. It can also improve the reputation of the seller. Having said that I never used the guarantee feature, and yet I still managed to build up a good reputation and get hundreds of sales. It was not something that I did intentionally actually, but just never thought about it until I got to know of it a couple of months ago from a discussion. So ultimately what really matters is offering a good service, but a guarantee can surely help.

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Guarantees are sometimes a tricky thing. If you see a seller with a 1% guarantee than I would not recommend that you purchase the service. In the past, I had a 100% guarantee on my services thinking buyers would feel more safe, and secure. Bad buyers would buy the service, then invoke the guarantee for no apparent reason just to get free services.

If you're looking into adding a guarantee do 20% or even up to 50% depending on the type of service. I do not offer guarantees no longer due to previous abuse of the guarantee feature. I feel more safer as a seller to not use the guarantee feature.

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surely you are right in the sense that some bad buyers will use it to get thier cash back but even if one doesnt use guarantee in his service, he can still get lots of sales provided he has a good positive reviews and recommendations which are uppermost and paramount. And if he wants guarantee to be included, 20% maximum should be the thing but depending on the kind of service he is offering.

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Yes Everett I would feel very nervous about putting a 100% guarantee on a service or even a very high percentage. The problem is that while most people are trustworthy and ethical there are a few people that just have no scruples and will screw you over.

I was wondering about adding guarantees on my services and I decided against it.

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Hello chetaseo,
I would say that guarantees does have quite an impact on sales. And why? - First of all because potential buyers can search for guaranteed services only on the marketplace, like shown in the below screenshot:

Does adding

That alone will increase your chances of making sales, as you'll get more exposure by doing that. Even a 1% guarantee will make your service show up in that list, so there's actually a bunch of sellers having a guarantee at only 1%.

Secondly, a guarantee is something that makes any potential client feel more safe. Depending on what you guarantee you'll be able to get sales from both skeptical clients but also clients who's having second thoughts. Clients who can't decide which service they will buy so to speak. Those buyers will be more interested in a service that includes a guarantee rather than a service that doesn't offer any guarantees at all.

With all that being said, I would personally never set a guarantee below 20%. - Sellers who offers 1%, 2%, 5% or even 10% feels way to greedy and I don't like to work with people like that. A guarantee that offers at least 20% is way more professional in my opinion and that's also why most freelancers are using their "30 day money back guarantees" when you're buying ebooks online for instance. Most people don't ask for their money back, even if and when they can, so a 100% money back guarantee wouldn't hurt you in the long run as a seller. Also, a money back guarantee with higher %, compared to 1%, 5% etc, looks better and it will give a potential buyer the feel of you being certain. You know what you deliver, you deliver high quality and you are satisfied with your own services you deliver. - That's the feeling a potential client would love to get when viewing your service description. - And that feeling is easy to give a potential client just by guarantee that they will get exactly what you've stated within the service description. - And if you don't deliver, they'll have nothing to lose as they will get their money back. Or a percentage of it.

So yes, I would definitely say that it will help you to increase the number of sales.

Best Regards,

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Good writeup but do about 80% of potential buyers check for guarantee before they place an order on a service?. i dont think so. Also dont you think that some will exploit this 100% guarantee to get thier money back after delivering a service that cannot be reversible? with respect to this, you cannot blame those that offer 10% or 5% or even 1% money back guarantee.
but if i may ask, which level of guarantee with you give to your service? are you going to give 100% money back guarantee or what?

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No, I wouldn't say that 80% of potential buyers are checking for guarantees before they order anything. Heck, it might even be as low as 1% of potential buyers who does that, but that's exactly my point. Even if it's only 1% of potential buyers who's interested in buying guaranteed only services, then you'll increase your chances of making sales to that 1%. Which all in all, increase your chances of making more money, as long as you offer some sort of guarantee. Even as low as 1%.

Scammers, fraudsters and greedy people will always be around online. People will always look for dirt-cheap services and even if they pay just $3 for something, some people will always try to get that $3 back from you, no matter what you say, do or deliver. Guarantee or not. Sure, if you offer a 100% money back guarantee, then you'll lose 100% of your earnings when these people come along. Fortunately, most people are still professional, humble and kind, so most people won't try to get their money back.

However, to decrease your loss and still be able to offer a guarantee to increase your chances of making sales, I'd set my guarantees at 20%-25% at least. But that obviously depend on what kind of service you have too. If you still profit with a guarantee of 50%, then you should obviously go for it. The most important thing here, in my personal opinion, is to cut your profits as much as possible, and offer a money back guarantee as high as possible, but still low enough to profit, even if it's just a few cents. - The bottom line is that a higher guarantee will be more interesting than a low guarantee.

Just take a look at BarryinSiam's service for instance. He offers a guarantee of 70% and that's totally manual work. 25 days delivery time basically means that they put in tons of effort into the services, and a lot of work.. And he still guarantee 70% of the money back. - Doesn't that look awesome and trustworthy?

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ok alright,.i think going for 20% guarantee is very much ideal and okay for any seller that wants to put it ideally. thanks for your response so far for i have gained alot from it.

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It is nice to see a guarantee on some services yes, it does make me feel a bit safer especially if it is a pricey service.

Thanks Andre, I just learned something new, I wasn't aware that you can search for services based on guarantee. I can see how this would make your service more visible and result in a lot more views and possibly a lot more orders too.

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Thank you Lynne for proving my point. You are a buyer and you said it yourself. You feel a bit safer in case someone offers a guarantee. It's easier to order a service as long as they have a money back guarantee, but you wouldn't care about a guarantee if you got 1% of your money back. In that case, you'd stay away from that service and buy another one that offers a higher money back percentage. Right?

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LOL Andre well 1% back is not much of a guarantee is it? That just tells me that the seller can do a shitty job and then give me back 1% keeping the other 99%. Seems like a nice way for a dodgy seller to make some easy money giving back 1% without any questions asked right?

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Indeed it does! - Unfortunately, some sellers offers a guarantee, and they offer 1% money back only to be able to be seen under the "guaranteed only" filter. A minimum guarantee of something more reasonable would be good to implement in my opinion. As it is right now, it's kind of exploiting for more advertising without risking more than a cent or two. However, it's not a huge deal or so, but I still think that it would be for the greater good to set a minimum guarantee percentage.

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Sometimes we have new sellers that are not aware of positive feedbacks being enough. Some buyers don't care if the seller is flawless just because it worked for everyone else does not mean its going to work for you. If you have no guarantee the buyer may be scared of exactly what i just mentioned. I always think of a guarantee as a plan B or a safety net. If a seller is willing to give you a guarantee on his service is shows that he is serious about your satisfaction. If i am looking at 2 identical services from 2 different sellers same amount of positive feedbacks roughly. One has a guarantee one does not. Which one will you choose?

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The guarantee feature used to be a lot more visible in the past here on seocheckout, I think the Admin decided that it isn't really a factor that should stand out a lot, for both sellers and buyers because both parties found ways to abuse somehow this feature.

On the other hand, I remember my experience with the guarantee feature and it was good, I actually think I got more orders because of this option, few people ever triggered the guarantee and when they did both me and the seller were happy with what we got.
I never offered a 100% guarantee though.

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One good thing that I've come to realize is that guarantees are ways that buyers are assured of the good quality of the products that they are buying and that's the best way any freelancer should go about their duties. I always give a guarantee to products that I sell for it is a way to prove that I can do the work without any fear of doing a bad work.

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