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can any seo sett up a wikipedia page and make it stay permanent
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This is Wikipedia:How to create a page?
And here's some superb information about the whole process.
How to Develop a Wikipedia Page that Sails Through the Approval Process
Good luck!
Best Regards,
hitmeasap Hello OfficialDondadd, This is [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:How_to_create_a_page][b]Wikipedia:How to create a page?[/b][/url] [b]And here's some superb information about the whole process.[/b] [url=http://contentmarketinginstitute.com/2011/11/how-to-develop-a-wikipedia-page/]How to Develop a Wikipedia Page that Sails Through the Approval Process[/url] [quote][b]Reasons to create a Wikipedia page[/b] Wikipedia is a living, breathing encyclopedia where anyone can add their own pages, articles, and knowledge. Topics cover just about anything: Green Day (the band), pinball, carbon black and, yes, even content marketing. [b]Should you create a Wikipedia page? [/b] Here are a few indicators that this type of content may meet your needs: [list][*][b]You have an industry-changing technology that your company invented or developed. [/b]This technology can be anything from mechanical to chemical to musical (e.g., iTunes).[/*] [*][b]Your founder or company is “notable.”[/b] Wikipedia editors apply a “notability” test to determine if your subject warrants a Wikipedia page. If your company has invented something or if your founder is a person-of-note (e.g., a famous author, the first person to row a boat across the ocean), then your company or founder might be a good candidate.[/*] [*][b]You can’t find any information about your technology or topic in Wikipedia.[/b] This is what prompted me to suggest creating a Wiki page for my client’s technology.[/*][/list] [/quote] Good luck! Best Regards, hitmeasap
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