
How to do A/B Testing for your website and offers?

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How to do A/B Testing for your website and offers?

I have never done any A/B testing before and once again it comes up in a post that Cristian wrote about tips and tricks for a new online store.

Its been on my to do list and I always mean to get to it but I never do.. maybe because I am doing fine with my websites and there is always something I need to do.

But maybe there is something that will smack me in the face when I conduct A/B testing.

So my question is what are all the areas of my website I would conduct A/B testing on and how exactly do I go about it? Any tips would be appreciated.


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A/B testing is much easier to assess through advertising campaigns. You can write 2 different ads and see which has the better click through rate. The one that is better, is the one you want to push more. I usually set up 10 different text ads for the same position on Google Adwords which target the same keyword sets and I'll see which converts the best. After the first week I'll delete half of the ones which are performing the worst. After the second week I'll delete 2 more which will leave the 3 elite ads. If there is a big difference in 2 or all 3 of these finalists, I'll just pick the front running and go with it.

Now there is also another thing you have to split test and that's your landing pages. Some pages might convert better than others so what you'll need to do is set them both up and run the same ad campaigns to both. Filter out the worst ads down to 1, 2 or 3 of the best performers. The campaigns will usually have similar ads perform the best, usually it's not 6 different ones topping the charts out of all 20 lol. After you get down to the top 3 ads for each landing page, you'll be able to easily figure out which landing page is better for conversions because it will be the one making you more money How to do A/B Testing for your website and offers?

Split testing can get pretty extensive with all the ads and landing pages, but in the end it will pull in a load of more sales. And we all like more money How to do A/B Testing for your website and offers?

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Yes Razzy we all love money. In all honesty I don't even have any landing pages yet. That is another thing on my to do list... it has also been there for about 2 years, along with A/B testing.

I think maybe I will start with my email subscriber forms. I saw a little section there called A/B Testing.

Thanks for explaining the process, I will do some ads on Google Adwords and do some testing.

I agree with you that yes it will take some time but I am sure that the extra effort I put in will pay off very nicely in the future.

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I Have never heard about this before. what exactly is AB testing and how does it benefit some ones website? I could have heard of this under a different name but im not sure. You seem to ne really handy when it comes to these thing Lynne. You should be an advisor for people who want to start blogs and write E books. I have read all the comments and it seems that you have found alot of help about this topic. Thank you for sharing!

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Jkeyz2 the way I understand A/B testing is that you create different ads/ messages etc for one offer and then you test to see which ones have the highest conversion rates so that you don't waste your time with campaigns that don't convert. I haven't really gotten into this yet and I know I need to so I was just looking for some suggestions and feedback How to do A/B Testing for your website and offers?

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You can implement A/B testing for pretty much everything web related, it's basically a way to find out the best option or route one must take on the road of a successful conversion, it doesn't matter if you are selling stuff or just looking to create a list of subscribers, any web page can be a/b tested.

The best thing about this method is that really works! When you have 2 similar web pages one of them will perform better than the other, so you'll keep the one that works better and you can also start more variations from there.

First, you need to:
  1. Create the variations
  2. Set your goals
  3. Gather data
  4. Compare data
  5. Eliminate the weaker one

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Thanks Cristian! In fact I just realized now while I was writing the post about how I created and sold my eBook that I am sort of doing A/B testing on my subscribe forms in a way.

I created 3 different subscribe forms. A pop up, a side bar subscribe form and one to embed into a blog post. I have been checking those out and looking at them to see which is better.

I will try and implement some more A/B testing on my website How to do A/B Testing for your website and offers?

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