
Adobe's Holiday Predictions Based on a Trillion Website Visits Make Some Interesting Statistics

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Adobe's Holiday Predictions Based on a Trillion Website Visits Make Some Interesting Statistics

Each year, the the holiday season sees more sales than the last, and each year, the total spending increases. In 2016 the national spending in just the U.S. alone is set to reach around $541 billion dollars. An 11% increase since 2015. That's according to report from ADI (Adobe's Digital Insights) which is based on some very robust data of over 55 million different products and aggregated from more than 1 trillion website visits spanning across 4,500 retailers. Adobe can track up to 80% of all transactions online because for every $55 spent online using one of the top 500 online U.S retailer websites, $52.50 goes through the Adobe Marketing Cloud.

And according to ADI, there are some interesting predictions for online spending during the holiday season that include;

  • Adobe predicts that an extended holiday season will see an excess of $5 billion spent out of the 53 days between Nov-Dec. An increase of 71% over 2015.
  • Each year the amount people spend will increase by 11%. That equals to 1.7$ less than 2015 but still up by $14.1 billion coming to a total of around $541.6 billion dollars.
  • Most of the largest retailers will see the bulk of purchases made through them equaling to 16.6% and the smaller retailers will take around 7% of sales.
  • On Thanksgiving, it's expected there will be around $13.4 billion in sales in just 3 days which is a 15.6% growth over previous years.
  • Black Friday will see around $5.05 billion made in sales which is a 11.3% growth over previous years.
  • Cyber Monday will see an all time high record of $5.36 billion in sales which is a 9.4% growth over previous years.
  • Mobile shopping will far exceed that of desktop shopping throughout the whole holiday season for the first time with a whopping growth of 53%!
  • Although mobile traffic is reaching its peak, mobile searchers and shoppers will still only be 34% of all online sales.
  • And 31% of all U.S. shoppers will start their holiday shopping before November 5th. An increase of 5%.

For more consumer based insights into shopping habits during the holiday season, such as when the best time to get the best deals is going to be!

Check out this infographic.
View this infographic and more holiday predictions on SlideShare.
2016 Holiday Shopping Predictions.

So what can we learn from this?

That despite the economy, despite the credit crunch, people are spending more money than before and spending more when they do as well. We can also learn what some of the best times and ways to save money and get a bargain are as well. And of course, what some of the most purchased items for Christmas 2016 will be as well.

This is very insightful for you bloggers and affiliate marketers out there that are looking to know what those things might be! Whether it's toys, tools, jewelry, homeware or electronics from televisions (4K HDR TV's), tablets and computers, games and gaming consoles. If you're in any of these niches, it could be a very profitable year for you! Adobe


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Oh wow, yes I want to really make use of the trends and especially for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. I am planning on running an insane special for my eBook that I have listed on Adobe

I agree with you that although inflation is so huge all the time and there is so much unemployment worldwide there are always people spending, even in a recession.

There are always some people making money and I truly believe that if you are motivated and determined enough you can always find a way to make money and increase your income even in a recession.

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I'm seeing this every year, even if the economy of a country isn't doing so good and the people aren't paid as they were once paid, people still spend a lot on winter shopping seasons.

I blame this on social media culture and TV - even if they don't have money to spend people will just max out their credit cards because hell, why not, everybody is doing it, why be left behind!
I have friends that are waiting for Black Friday like zombies, they don't have the money, they don't really know what to buy but all of them told me THEY WILL BUY because everyone will but something on Black Friday! This is nuts and I don't get it if you need something and you have the money, buy it, but just go around buying stuff you don't need with money you don't really have!

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I think there is definitely the paying economy that is keeping such companies alive. I mean some people are taking loan and paying for the stuff. So surely that can be good for the people who want to make money off such market. I guess adobe and other IT companies continue to thrive on the way things are going. And people are going to make money in long enough timelines. So we have to consider how the other companies are having similar such data. It looks like it is indeed a good time for many companies to make use of the holiday season.

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