
Can I sell my free blogspot by changing the admin to someother user ?

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Can I sell my free blogspot by changing the admin to someother user ?

I've a famous blogspot blog. I want to sell it as I'm not able to concentrate on it. So, can I sell it ?


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Yes, you could transfer it to someone else. 

To do so, add the other person as an admin to the blog's account. Then they can delete you after they have control. 

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You can add another admin or sell entire gmail account along with blogger blogs. Blogger blogs are attached to the Gmail ID. And for this to you have to sell out entire gmail account. And you'd have to clear the search and the history of the account. As your personal information is captured in such case. So if you can make use of those changes. It'd be reasonable to see how the free blogspot are being sold. And people end up selling their gmail account in proces.s

If you don't want that then simply port the website to wordpress and then sell after some time. That should avoid selling gmail account.

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Sure, if you have seen a buyer and the price is fair enough, why not instead of abandoning a popular blog half way you sell it off and make a few bucks

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