
The Say What You Are Game Thread

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The Say What You Are Game Thread

Okay this thread is like one of those game threads where you say something and the next person has to say something and carry it on. But with a twist! This thread was inspired by one of Andre's recent threads where he asks; When do you trust a freelancer? - And how come you do it?

In that thread, he shared some details about himself, which inspired me to do the same. And from that it got me thinking how it would be really cool if there was a thread where everyone had posted the same about you statement in that thread. A kind of a game of bragging of sorts.

The way it would works is, you must answer it copying and pasting the below about you statement and obviously editing the bits that are relevant to you such as the date you joined, how many positive/negative reviews you have. What your response time is, how many Community Discussions/Responses you've made and what your level is. And put whether you are address/mobile or ID verified or not.

The purpose of this thread is more a for a fun reason than anything else. Also just to get people on Seocheckout and the Community Discussions here engaging and contributing to it. Plus it could be really interesting to see what other peoples user stats / history etc is which will be fun to see and read the more people that post in it. Then later on down the road, we could look back in on it and see how our or other peoples user stats have changed since. For historical purposes! The Say What You Are Game Thread

So with that, I shall start this off first by saying my about me statement.

All you have to do is copy and paste this in your reply and change the bits in bold that are relevant to you.

Also maybe say something about yoursellf as well

I'm IdealMike and I'm a Level X3 user and I've been a member on Seocheckout since Nov 3, 2011. - I have 297 positive ratings and 3 negatives and 39 positive recommendations. I've made 7 statuses and have a response time of 3 hours and I've made 259 discussions and 2,134 responses within the community. I'm also Address and Mobile Verified, and maybe ID verified also soon when I get round to doing that!

I'm Mike and I'm 38 and I'm from Essex, UK but live in West Sussex. I've lived in England all my life but my life dream is to move somewhere hot and cheap to retire or emigrate to. I'm a professional freelancer and SEO provider. I like to launch new business ideas and one day I want to own my own fortune 500 company but in the mean time, this is me. The Say What You Are Game Thread

What about you? The Say What You Are Game Thread

What's your user level?
When did you register?
How many positive/negative ratings do you have?
How many positive recommendations do you have?
What's your response time?
How many Community Discussions/Response have you made?
Are you address and mobile or ID verified?
Where do you currently live or want to live to?
What do you do for a living and what are your plans/hopes/dreams for the future?


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Thank you Mike for this thread. I'm glad my recent post inspired you The Say What You Are Game Thread

So, here we go:
I'm hitmeasap and I'm a Level X5 user and I've been a member on Seocheckout since Jun 18, 2012. - I have 678 positive ratings and 1 negatives and 17 positive recommendations. I've made 44 statuses and have a response time of 21 minutes and I've made 148 discussions and 1,342 responses within the community. I'm also Address and Mobile Verified.

My real name is André Strand and I'm 31 years old. I live in Sweden so I'm well aware of the fact that my writing skills aren't 100% accurate. However, I try my best and I do whatever I can to make everything decent enough for anyone to understand. I've been a full time freelancer for about 5 years now and my main business is brand building. With that being said, I'm always interested in new business opportunities and I'm always 100% dedicated to whatever I try to establish. New services, investments, business deals or products. I'm focused and devoted. I'm also an author and I've published a handful of ebooks, reports and guides.

This is starting to sound like a resume for a job application, so I should probably stop.

Thank you Mike, and I look forward to many replies! The Say What You Are Game Thread

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I'm Lynne and I'm a Level 3 user and I've been a member on Seocheckout since Feb26, 2015 - I have 8 positive ratings and 0 negatives and 4 positive recommendations. I've made 2 statuses and have a response time of 3 hours and I've made 210 discussions and 3122 responses within the community. I'm also Address and Mobile Verified, and maybe ID verified also soon when I get round to doing that!

My real name is Lynne Huysamen and I am 37 years old. I live in South Africa with my husband and two children. I have lived here all my life. I am a mommy blogger and online marketer. I have just written my first eBook about my drug addiction which I have listed for sale on ListingDock and I plan on bringing out a lot more eBooks. My goal is to work less and earn more money so I can spend more time playing with my children!

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I'm Cristian and I'm 28 years old;
I'm level X3 here on SC;
I have 903 positive reviews and 8 negative reviews;
I have 22 positive recommendations;
My response time is 6 hours;
Created 137 CDs;
Responded to 1,273 CDs;
I'm everything verified, mobile verified, addressed verified, everything;
I currently work as an SEO but also offer freelance services in my free time;
I currently leave in Romania, my dream location would be Chile or New Zealand;
My main goals right now is to finish my house but also have a kid in the following years.

Cool idea Mike, this is an interesting share!

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They call me JKeyz or Keyz for short. Level is X3. i have 11,200 positive ratings. 27 negative (Mostly from one Buyer). i have 340 recommendations. My response time is between 1-3 hours. I have created 139 discussions with 861 responses. I have many services involving music promotion and more. Soundcloud and Yotube are my two most popular categories but i do others aswell.

Feel free to check me out follow me and contact me if you have any questions.

Mike this is very awesome allowing us to show our status when it comes to the market place. I have been on Seocheckout for about 3 years now and i will be here until Jordan retires. I live in the USA and i can speak 2 languages, my main focus is customer service. Thank you for sharing!

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I have been on Seocheckout for about 3 years now and i will be here until Jordan retires

Sorry for doing this but I just have too.. - Jordan will never retire. He's too addicted. He needs us as much as we need him so I'm not worried at all. The Say What You Are Game Thread

Which languages do you speak? - I speak two languages too as I'm from Sweden. So Swedish and English. The Say What You Are Game Thread

I'm also sorry to hear about your buyer who gave you those negative feedbacks but 27 negative feedbacks compared to 11K+ positive ones are literally nothing.. So you've done a superb job! - But even if you've done a terrific job, I bet those 27 negative ones still bothers you as they are mostly from the same buyer. - Am I wrong?

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Hello everyone from seocheckout,

I am Rajarshi Bhowmick (31+) from India, and my Seocheckout id is-

I joined Seocheckout on Jul 9, 2017, and I turned my focus on freelance since then. I know 3-languages: English, Hindi, Bengali. I am trying to learn Portuguese and French, but it seems, that will be like my journey to venus!

Moreover, In my Seocheckout career, I have 460+ positive reviews and 0 negative reviews; I have 8 positive recommendations; My response time is 2 hours. Though I did not really on to starting a conversation, but I am a reader, who carefully monitor and learn for adoption!

Not to mention, I start my journey by writing some contents. Eventually, that will be my primary goal (Content Writer) in seocheckout. Additionally, I have added some extra, but that is not worth mention.

Obviously, I am thankful to GreatDesigner, for providing me with my first job ever. And then comes mgsavoy! At last, I like to thank 'idealmike' for being my consistent buyer, and also for giving me the opportunity for precipitating this discussion.

On the other hand, I like to thank: seocheckout support team- Beverly, Dillon, etc for providing me the best support. Without the help, it will be a catastrophic situation for me!

Thank you, everyone, for reading my story. I always keep this line in my heart 'miles to go before I sleep- Robert Frost' thus any pain became the key to success for me.

Have a nice day.
Regards- razarshi

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